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I found myself at the park again

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I found myself at the park again. There was the tree the squirrels were always playing at, and there was the bench. The bench Aisling and I sat in all the time.

The park was empty like most times too.

But it felt different.

The atmosphere did.

The energy...

Then I heard somebody call my name.


The voice sounded familiar. It sounded like the voice of a girl. But I couldn't put my finger on who it could be.

But I felt compelled to follow the voice.


I felt myself getting closer; the voice was louder.

"Joey, come to me!"

"Come to me, Joey!"

The girl didn't sound injured, but she sounded desperate. Like she wanted me to find her. So bad.

I started to run. My heart pumping faster and faster.


"Come to me! Come to me!"

A tear fell on the paper, smearing some of the words.

Then another tear came down.

I quickly wiped them away, but that was all in vain.

I was being a sissy again. But it was all because of him anyway. He didn't have to send the damn thing.

He didn't have to send anything.

Dear Joe,

I bet you're surprised to be getting a letter from your old man. Aren't you?

I'm surprised I felt like writing one to ya. But what the hell? There ain't much to do in a prison cell, but eat shit and deal with men who want to fight me. And I've won a couple of them.

So, have you started getting in shape this season? If you hadn't had that one problem last year, and fucked up, I'm pretty sure you woulda beatin' that Jacobs boy. If you have enough will son, I'm pretty sure you can.

You know son, you're my favorite and I hope you won't ever disappoint me. Its just that your Ma had to go to the authorities, and I'm pretty sure she has brainwashed you cuz she has already gotten to Aaron. I'm for sure.

Keep me up to date on wrestling.

Try sending me a letter, okay?

I want to see my boy be NUMBER 1!

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