Toriel: Family

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As the game went on, you began to ponder. You pondered on many things, like how you were the one chosen to play a HighSchool game with a bunch of video game characters. How is it even possible? How were they all even here? Was this just a giant dream? A simulation, perhaps?
Maybe not. You have, after all, punched your arm many times. Like in Alice in Wonderland, it did not wake you up. Thus, you concluded, you were not dreaming.

How about a simulation, then? No. It's too real to be a simulation.

You went out of your trance long enough to notice Toriel standing up and walking to Mettaton. He smiles kindly and holds out the hat. Toriel attentively sticks a hand in, and pulls out a large black sweater with "Undertale" printed on the back. Alright, time for you again. You stood up wordlessly and walked to the closet. It was the same as every other turn, you sat inside, the door closed, and there was a different character.

Toriel innocently sat down on her legs, folding her hand sin her lap. She looked at you kindly in the dark.

You didn't knew how to feel.

The first character you felt emotionally attached to, and the first main character to kill. How could you kill someone so innocent? You were able to because you were and still are scum. Your curiosity made sure of that.

You look down and away, like you did with numerous other characters. Who knew a simple game could make you feel like you deserve to burn in hell?

Maybe, in the game, Sans wasn't referring to Frisk when he said "kids like you should be burning in hell."
Maybe he was referring to you.
It certainly felt like it.

You didn't notice any change in the room until you felt soft, loving arms wrap around you. The smell of vanilla enveloped your senses. You look up, out of your stupor, to find Toriel smiling lovingly at you.

"I-" you try to say something only to be cut off.

"Shh, my child. It is okay, everyone knows you're worry," Toriel says, stroking your hair affectionately. You lean into the motherly touch. You didn't know you needed to feel this amazing touch right now, but you did.

The touch triggered something else in you. Tears promptly rolled down your face at a steady pace.

Toriel keeps on embracing you lovingly, holding you close to her.

This precious, amazing, loving creature was the first one you had to face in a true battle and kill. Why were you such an idiot? These loving arms, this calming smell, the overall tenderness and loving is what you had taken away from a Frisk when you reset. Why did you take away a whole new amazing world from them?

You already knew the answer.

It was because humans are stubborn, arrogant, heartless and feed on pain.

The tears came gushing out at a more alarming rate, but you continued to cry in Toriel's loving arms until there was nothing left. But even then you stayed in her arms. If you had a soul, it would have been broken into a million pieces. You couldn't handle the emotion. Why were you such a scumbag? Why did you take away the chances of freedom away from Frisk?

Why did you make them give up their soul?

All too soon, the door opens. Slowly, you leave Toriel's arms and slowly stagger to your spot, in a sort of daze. But, you don't sit by your spot. Instead, you sit by the wall, where you could mope.

Even though you weren't paying attention anymore, the game went on.


Don't request anyone, Asgore is next.

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