to save Peter

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Wendy and Tinkerbell saw Peter and Rumple fighting and tink told Wendy to go and try to save Peter pan and then Wendy told Tinkerbell that she probably will succeed in save Peter, and then Wendy got out of the car and then started go run and the more she ran her eyes glowed brighter and then her form started to change into something else like a werewolf, and then she growled and ran faster before Rumple's shadow came and then she jumped and then everybody there turned around and peter said no Wendy don't do it.  But then Tinkerbell saw what was happening that Wendy couldn't stop she tries to stop but all that did for Wendy was make her trip and run faster and ran right into Rumple's and peter and then she passed out and then Rumple's shadow came but then Rumple's realized that he did not want to hurt his dad, but he did get the
Curse removed and then everybody could move again and neal ran to Wendy and picked her up to their car and then Tinkerbell said is everybody okay and everyone said that  everything okay.

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