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@Calum5SOS There's this guy, (not the one that keeps bugging me, he didn't come to class this week so everything's fine for now) and he's nice to me


@Calum5SOS We live in the same neighborhood since he moved here from Spain, when I was in middle school


@Calum5SOS He's a good guy. Kind and understanding, but really clingy (like a lot) and I try so hard not to be rude with him, but I can't


@Calum5SOS He's always trying to hug me, touching the dimples on my cheeks with his chubby fingers and complimenting my every feature


@Calum5SOS I like that he cares a lot about me, but it's way too much


@Calum5SOS I usually show affection towards my friends, but when someone forces himself on me I feel like suffocating and I don't like It one bit.

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