Try out old things, Part 1

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'hey!..stop that, we are running late already'

'we don't need to be in a rush'

'but definitely we need to get there on time' Tanny told me as he stepped towards me

'alright then..lemme just do some finishing touches to my make-up' I told him as I hurriedly applied my eyeliner an some facial kits.
'where are we actually headed to' I asked Tanny as it seemed he was in a hurry

'we're visiting a friend' he told me as the taxi came to a halt

* * *

'Tracia what are you up to'

'nothing...I just cant position where I kept my..'

'I am not getting you...have you just misplaced something again' Tanny asked

'its not..I just cant recall where I left it some minutes ago, its actually my game ring '

'you make me laugh, is it important now, what are you using a game ring for at your age'

'that should not be a problem to you, I just need to find it'

'just forget about it, I could get you a new one on our way home'

'no Tanny, I wanted giving it to clarie in class tomorrow, she requested for that particular one'

'then I could help you find it' Tanny said as he bent to help me in the search.

'no Tanny, I'll be fine..I'll just do that myself'

'I'm already helping, no need' Tanny said without even raising his head to give me a look. I Stopped searching as I stood admiring him. right from the day I stepped into college and Tanny became a friend..things were not just going normal for me as before.

'whats wrong have you found it' Tanny spoke getting me out of my thoughts

'uh...what..oh..nah..lets forget about it'

'are you okay Tracia'

'yeah...I'm fine' I told him picking up my purse for him to know I was ready to leave

* * *

'i don't think I'll be able to make it to the party'

'but it will be fun'

'i know...but then i have to do some sort of reading'

'Tracia...Tanny will be expecting to see you there'

'just tell him I wasn't able to meet up,...I think I need time to cool off my head'

'then the party will be a better place'

'don't worry Darine, i will be fine here'

'is anything wrong Tracia'

'nah.. everything if fine'

'if you say so, I will take my leave now'

'Darine...please help me check on him during the party' I said but she had already left without hearing my last message...oh no! I can't continue doing this to myself, even though I lock myself in here for years, nothing about me will change for him and I will not end up reading anything... I heard my phone ring, I picked it up and it was a text message from Austin. he has been my boyfriend from high school before I came into college. we've been really close because of my mum liking for him,but I was no longer interested in any relationship, and I didn't have the courage to tell him.

_ _ _


' did you manage to get in' I asked with shock as I heard my name

'don't forget i still have the spare key, why didn't you show up for the party as you earlier promised, Darine said you were not coming, what are you up to'

'nothing Tanny,i... didn't just feel like coming to the party' I tried speaking but I found myself stammering.

'Tracia can you please open up to me, whats going wrong with you' he asked me but I couldn't imagine myself opening up to tell him my main issue

'excuse me...I'll be fine Tanny' I said as I excused myself going out of the room to ease my tension. I sat on the floor for a while thinking about what I was not sure of before Tanny came out handing me my phone that was ringing, which I picked without knowing who was actually calling.

'hello...good evening' the caller spoke once I picked the call

'how are you doing Tracia',you have not been picking my calls for the past few days now...are we having any problem?'

'I'm so sorry, i have been really busy with school work that I almost forgot I had some one like you' I Lied.

'that should not hinder you from picking my calls'

'Austin i said I am sorry, are you not getting me'

'I didn't say I was angry...but if I have offended you in any way just tell me, so that I could make it up to you' Austin said but did not receive any reply from me.

'so how are you planning of spending your weekend'

'nothing much...I didn't plan of making anything out of it'

'could we please have a picnic' he asked and i did not even realize that my phone was on speaker until I saw the expression on Tanny's face.

'that will be fine by me' I said as I could feel him smile from here

'see you then...bye' he said as he hung off the call.

I could see from Tanny's face that he was no more comfortable staying at my place at few minutes past midnight...'alright Tracia, I should be one my way now'

'it's already late, you can't go any where this night because you won't find any bus' I told him trying hard to avoid him from leaving at that time of the night.

I could walk all the way down to my quarter'

'but it's already dark'

'and I can't spend the night here either'

'but why?' I asked sounding a bit confused.he had actually spent nights at my place and why was today going to be an exemption.

'I don't want to face your boyfriend when he comes over here tomorrow'

'is that your only fear Tanny'

'uh...yah...nothing else' he replied sounding helpless

'let's go in... you will leave early enough before he arrives' I told Tanny as I tried to place a smile on my face...



Her Best FriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora