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Seo-Yun's POV

*RING RING* I groaned in annoyance as my alarm clock went off. It's the second day of a new schoolyear. Yes second, and I hated the first day. I'm now going to 5th grade, together with some of my friends. I also have some friends who now go to the 4th grade. I got out of my bed and dressed myself in my school uniform.

I walked down the stairs, seeing my older brother Minseok preparing breakfast. He looked different ; he was wearing a suit and tie, but no jacket over it. ''What's up with you?'' I asked, getting his attention. ''Well good morning to you too.'' He said and chuckled. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. He placed a plate in front of me. ''But seriously?'' I asked again.

I sat across from me with his own plate. ''I'm starting on my new job today.'' He explained. ''Where?'' I asked curiously. ''Not telling, maybe you'll see.'' He taunted with a smirk. I sighed and ate my breakfast.

Minseok finished his food and placed his plate in the sick. ''I'll see you later, okay sis?'' he asked and placed a kiss on my head. ''Yeah okay.'' I said as I finished my food. ''Bye! See you later!'' he yelled as he walked out the door.

I washed the dishes before grabbing my backpack with my books for today. 'Let me think...Biology, History, Math, English and Music today!' I knew my schedule but sometimes I can't really recall what I need to take with me. I packed my books, just as the doorbell rang. I quickly rushed the door and opened it. There were two of my best friends, Hana and Min, were standing there smiling.

''Hey guys!'' I said and grabbed my backpack off the floor. ''Ready?'' Min asked as she looked at my feet. I looked down and groaned. I quickly grabbed my shoes. ''I'm sorry, it's still early.'' I said, rolling my eyes. ''It's okay. Just hurry up a little.'' Hana said and chuckled. I grabbed my backpack again and got out the door, closing and locking it behind me.

Time skip

We walked onto the school grounds, seeing the others already there. Kigi ran up to me and hugged me. ''Dawn!'' she yelled happily. I smiled. ''I've missed you too.'' I said and hugged her. ''Hey Dawn, Hana, Min, have you heard it?'' Yeona asked, almost cheered. ''Heard what?'' Min asked curiously. ''We get new teachers.'' Emily said, also cheering. Well, our teachers yesterday were all annoying idiots.

''Really?!'' Hana asked surprised. ''Yeah, almost all our teachers are replaced. I only heard that our new Economics teacher is called Mr. Kim Jongdae.'' Hye said. ''Yes, and our new Science teacher is called Mr. Zhang Yixing.'' Hafsa said. ''They don't sound familiar to me. I thought we would just get other teachers from here.'' Yumi said slightly confused.


The school bell rang and students were running into the school. ''Okay, Dawn what subject do we have first?'' Lu asked. She's one of the oldest but the sweetest. ''Uhm, I thought it was Biology.'' I said, looking at the others. ''Well, good luck! We're off to our class.'' Cathy said as she was followed by Hye, Yeona, Kigi, Hafsa and Emily.

''Well, let's go to Biology then!'' Hana said, walking into the school. Me, Min, Maryam, Lu and Yumi followed. All students were rushing to be in time. We just made our way to our classroom, not really bothering time. We walked into the classroom, taking seats with each other.

I sat with Min. We all waited for the teacher, but instead, our principal walked in. ''Well hello there boys and girls. I know you all heard about your new teachers. Well, they're new indeed and still young, so maybe you can teach them something too. Be nice to them.'' Ms. Sun said with a small smile. She leaves quickly afterwards.

''I'm curious! Who can our new Biology teacher be?'' Lu asked, slightly excited. ''Don't know, don't care. It's not like I'm going to do my best because of a new teacher.'' I said. Maryam smiled. ''I often wonder why you even come to school.'' She says as she laughs. ''Because my older brother tells me to.'' I said, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

Then, a young man walked in. he appeared around the age of 25, or maybe 26. He had brown hair and a pretty muscular body. He looked pretty hot, until he turned around. I froze in my seat as I saw his face. ''Hello class. My name is Kim Minseok, but you can all call me Xiumin. I'm not much older than you so don't treat me like an old man.'' He said as he introduced himself. The class laughed, but not me. I lifted myself out of my seat.



His eyes widen slightly, but he got back to his senses and smirked at me. ''What the heck are you doing here?!'' I asked, almost blurred out. ''Wow Dawn, are you okay?'' Maryam asked surprised. ''No! That's my brother!'' I yelled, pointing a finger at him. Minseok chuckled. ''Like I said, I'm your new Biology teacher. For the rest of the year.'' He said, smirking as he saw my face turn.


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