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I hear Peeta call after me. "yes?" I say annoyed. "cant I drive you to your house?" he asks. "no" I reply simply and coldly. Im not very keen on anyone else finding out where I live. "please?" he asks with puppy dog eyes. "no, I like to walk" I say as I grab Prims hand and pull her along with me. I can see her smiling and waving to Peeta as we walk away.

We arrive home as I start to make Prim a snack. She attempts conversation with mother, but she just sits there, blocking out the world.

"Prim, your snack is ready!" I call.
She comes skipping in and takes a seat. "thanks Katniss" she smiles and eats her crackers and peanut butter.
Just then I hear a knock at the door, who on earth could that be? I walk over an open it to find, "Annie?"
"hey Katniss!" she says happily.
"how do you know I live here?" I ask surprised.
"well, I saw you walking in here on my drive home" she smiles. Because thats not stalkerish.
"um, want to come in?" I question, praying she will say no.
"Sure!" she chirps.
She walks inside and we go to the living room. "so.. Whats up with Peeta?" I ask.
"Oh, its not just Peeta. Its the careers. They are the popular group of the school. Peeta is by far the nicest one in the group, no, even maybe the school. Thats why i'm always so confused as to why he hangs out with them. One time, a boy went to talk to one of them, and the boys beat him up. Well, not Peeta, or Finnick, but im still not going to take any chances." she frowns.
"whos in this group?" what did she call it? "The careers?"
"Oh yeah. Theres Peeta, Cato, Glimer, Clove, Marvel, FoxFace, and...... Finnick" she smiles when saying that.
"You like him?"
She blushes "ya"
"So I should steer clear of all those people?" I ask, trying to get off the previous topic.
"Well, Peeta, Finnick, and FoxFace are all nice, but the rest are bitches" she says as I laugh. She quickly adds, "but stay away from all of them, if the others members saw you talking to them, it would be a whole different story" she laughs dryly.
She stands, "well, I better go, bye Katniss!" she calls before walking out the door. "wait! Annie!"
She spins around as she calls, "ya?"
"do you know if there is any woods near here?" I ask hopefully.
'yup, but they are illegal to go into. The land belonged to the previous Mayor, but he passed away, so they remain unowned".
I smile and do a little party in my head. "thanks!" I call and go back inside.

We finish our dinner I made that contained, a small stale piece of bread, some milk from Prims goat, and some berries I picked up. Its not much, but with mom not working, and I don't have a job, because we just moved here, Its more then I can ask for. Once I start hunting again there will be more food.
I fall asleep, awaiting the nightmares that are sure to come


*5 days later*

I yawn and wake up. Im about to shut off my alarm, when I realize that today after school I'm planning on checking out those woods. I hurry out of bed, into the shower, and pull on some leggings, tall hunting boots, a sweater, and put my hunting jacket in my bag. I run downstairs "bye mom, bye Prim!" I call on my way out the door. Prim has been walking to school with a boy named Roy.
I arrive at school and stuff everything in my locker, some books spill out, and when I bend down to pick them up, my eyes meet with Peetas. "your in a hurry" he smiles and hands me my things. I nod and avoid eye contact. I simply mutter a thanks before turning on my heel and walking quickly to first block.

The first two blocks go bye in a flash. Next I have Study Hall. I actually don't mind that class because I just sit in the back table and sleep.
I walk to the back and rest my head on my arms. I'm about to fall asleep, when I feel something tap my arm. I look up and see its Peeta. He quickly writes something on some paper and hands it to me.

Peeta~ Hey sleeping beauty (:

Katniss~ um, hi. Why are you sitting here?:p

Peeta~ Because I want to :)

Katniss~ ok :p

Peeta~ whats your number? I would really love to get to know you more :D if thats ok

Katniss~ I thought there was some rule in your group that u cant talk to other people

Peeta~ Well thats stupid, guess im just a rebel ;P want to sit with me at lunch?

Katniss~ um, sure.

peeta~ yay! so what is your number?

katniss~ 250-468-5374 (A/N, thats not a real number, I made it up lol)

peeta~ thanks (:

Just them the bell goes. Peeta smiles and waves at me "see you in a few" he calls. I go to my locker and put my books back. I spot Annie and wave her over, "hey Annie, Peeta asked me to sit with him at lunch" She starts squeeling "omg REALLY? you are so lucky!" she smiles and hugs me. I wave and walk into the cafeteria. I buy my lunch as I hear "Katniss!" peeta comes jogging over. "over here" he smiles as we walk to his table. "Guys this is katniss" he introduces everyone, while Clove and Glimmer lookl ike they are mentally killing me. Finick puts on this smile that would melt any girls heart, but has no affect on me, I think he looks stupid. Cato has this weird grin, and FoxFace is smiling. I decide my best choice is to sit between Peeta and Foxface. FoxFace and I talk, it turns out she is a really nice person. Suddenly Cato pipes up, "so Finnick,when are you going to ask out Annie" my eyes go wide. he likes Annie! She is going to be so happy! "shutup Cato" he says and punches him in the arm. "she doesn't like me, right Katniss? she must talk to you. You guys are friends" I cant help it. "actually she told me she likes you" his face lights up. He doesn't say anything, he just stands up, and walks over to where Annie is siting. I see him ask her something, then her face turns into a huge smile. The next thing I know they come walking over to this table, hand in hand.


I chuckle and give Finnick the thumbs up. I smile a Katniss. God, I'm falling for her so fast. "do you want to hang out after school?" I ask hopefully.
"Actually, there is somewhere I need to be". My heart sinks. "but I believe Im free tomorrow" she says with a smile that gives me butterfly's. "that sounds perfect!" I say happily.


Did I just agree to hang out with Peeta tomorrow? I cant help but maybe... maybe deep inside, feel a bit exctied. The bell rings and Peeta calls "see you in music Katniss!". I smile and wave back. Something about him is so familiar. I walk to music and Peeta waves me over to sit beside him. I take a seat and we say hey before Mrs. Trinket starts blabbing on.
"now class, we need a volunteer to sing the valley song" she says, her pink wig bobbing all over the place. When not a single person raises their hand, she announces "well I will just pick random" shit. I sink down in my chair and fiddle with my braid. Please don't pick me. Please don't pick me. Please don't pi-"How about, Katniss Everdeen" NO. why me? "now don't by shy dear, come on" she smiles. Peeta mouths 'good luck' and I stick my tongue out at him playfully.


I chuckle as Katniss makes her way to the front. I give her a comforting smile, but when she starts singing, I swear every single bird out there stopped to listen. My mouth drops open. Shes amazing. And in that moment, I knew I was a goner.

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