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For our first date, I have something special planned for Katniss.

We walk through the school, holding hands happily. I only asked her out yesterday, but still, I'm incredibly happy.

The bell rings, signaling the end of the day.

We quickly collect our bags, wave bye to oyr friends, and rush over to my car.

"and what do you have planned for today?" she asks with a giggle.

"Oh, well Miss Katniss, that I'm afraid is a surprise" I say with a grin and wink at her. We laugh and drive off.

I think my mother will be home, so we will just go straight to the meadow.

We soon pull into what looks like a normal park. She raises an eyebrow at me suspiciously. I laugh and get out of the car, running around to open her door.

When she gets out, I walk to the trunk where I have packed a basket of food, wood for a fire, and lots of blankets.

I take her hand, and with the other I carry all the things.

"what are we doing here Peeta?" she laughs.

"nothing here, but...." I pause as we come to some bushes. When I pull them back, there is a small path. We sneek down it, and at the end, there is a small hill, along with a beautiful lake, but this part is sheltered with forest. She gasps. "its so gorgeous".

"I found this place one day when I was upset. I never showed anyone, well, not till now" I say and smile at her. She smiles back.

I quickly spread out the blanket, placing the food and wood to the side. We link hands, and take a seat on the blanket.

After a bit, I pull out the food.

"hungry?" I ask.

"starving" she replys and I laugh.

"I made sandwiches, bread, chocolate covered strawberries, cake, and cookies. I also brought grapes and juice"

"mmmmm" is all she says before we eat. It starts to get dark, so I make a fire.

"PEETA!" she says frantically. I whip my head away from the fire and at her.

"whats wrong?!" I panic.

She points to the food "theres only one chocolate covered strawberry left!" she says dramatically. We both burst into laughter.

"well you better eat it then!" I laugh

"no way, im too full" she says with a chuckle as she pats he stomach.

I chuckle.

"here just eat half" she says, something mysterious in her voice.

"alright" I shrug.

She giggles and plucks off the leaf part. She goes to feed it to me, I'm about to take a bite when she throws the entire thing in my mouth.

"hey!" I laugh.

She jumps up and spitss her tongue out at me playfully. We laugh as I chase after her down the hill. She out runs me, so I hide behind a bush. When she walks past it, looking for me, I jump out, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"Hey, cheater!" she yells and we laugh. She turns herself around in my arms, and we gaze into each others eyes.

"your gorgeous" I mutter before we both lean in.

He lips land on mine, and I feel fireworks go off inside of me.


Our lips meet, and I'm surprised by the effect it has on me. All my insides start to buzz, and my knees turn to jello.

He slowly lifts his hand and brushes the hair behind my ear. My hands find the beginning of his hair and play with his soft blonde curls. All I know, is I'm not going to be the first one to break this kiss.

Peeta and I eventually both break away for air. He pulls me into a hug and I smile, listening to his soft heartbeat. I feel him kiss the top of my hair. We stay like that for awhile, then suddenly, someone far off sets off fireworks. I gasp and the colors flood the sky, each with a satisfying pop.

I wiggle out of his hug and run to the top of the hill. I have never seen anything like this!


Suddenly, fireworks start to go off in the sky. I look down at Katniss as she gazes up at them as if she has never seen them before. The colors reflect off the ground, so she runs to the top of the hill, her eyes sparkling, and starts, dancing?

She spins around and laughs under all the colors.

My heart melts. She is absolutely stunning. I run up after her, and when she goes to do a spin, without realizing it, spins right into my arms.

"why hello there beautiful" I say and give her a cheeky smile. She laughs.

"Hello handsome" she smirks.

I rest my hands on her hips, and she rests her hands behind my neck, linking together her fingers. Our foreheads rest against each other, swaying side to side.

We stay like that, dancing to no music, nothing but the magic between us. I cant help feel like we were made for each other.

Soon, the fireworks die off.

We walk over to the fire, and when I sit down Katniss pluncks down into my lap. I smile and wrap my arms around her.

This was by far the best date ever.

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