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"Emily!" My mam called.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit

Please say she didn't see that, or else I'm as good as dead. She probably won't be that angry as she has grown to like this family even though we have known them for a good 6 hours max.

Oh god, who am I fooling, I'm dead, she's gonna be furious with me. I decided it was time to answer her because I didn't really want to leave her waiting for a while longer be quad she will shout again and I need to to be happy rather that angry for as long as possible.

"Y-yes mum" I said, stuttering with my words as I tried to regain enough strength to speak even.

"Are you okay, you look kinda stressed?" She replied being the conceded mother she always is.

"No, no I'll be fine" I said with a small fake smile at the end to ease the mood.

My mum opened her mouth to form an "O" and then directed her eyes towards my phone and she picked up hers also.

Confused, i still followed her hints/instructions and picked up my phone to receive a message from her.

Mum- Did you have a period explosion?

Oh. My. God. My mum, did not just ask me that. My eyes widened at that and I tried to cover the screen as quick as possible but I failed as Mason had already stuck his head over my shoulder and read the message. He began chuckling silently beside me as he tried to remain normal.

I was about to send my mam a message back, bluntly saying no to her question, but instead, just before I hit the button to send it, masons had found my thigh again and I realised I was not up for another period question from my mam.

I'm not sure, I'm gonna go find the bathroom now.

I stood up from my chair and excused myself from the table.

"Sorry excuse me, I'm just need to use the bathroom, I'll be back in a few minutes."

I began to walk away when I heard a chair scrap across the patio ground.

"I'll show you where they are" I heard the voice I did not want to hear say that.

I turned around and gave a fake smile to Mason before turning back around to walk into the house.

Mason lead my upstairs and showed me to the master bathroom. He walked in first and I followed him unsure of what he was doing.

"Ehm, hello, I need to use the bathroom"

"No you don't stop lying, you just wanted to come to here so that your mam wouldn't know the true reason behind your stressed out expression" he said as he made his way behind me and looked the door the only door into the bathroom.

"That's not true". As I was talking, he began making his way over to me, as I backed up until I felt the cold tiles hit my back, and then Masons chest securing me between them.

"We both know it is so there is no point in lying now" he said as he lowered his head into the crook of my neck, but not yet touching my skin, and placed his hand on my waist.

"Now, where were we" he said as he finally lowered his lips to my sensitive skin.

I put my hands up to his shoulders to push him off me but quickly found out that my strength was no match against his.

He lowered his hand down to the hem of my skirt again, and slowly began raising it up.

I was about to squirm out of his hold but found myself not wanting to try that hard to leave.

He rubbed his hand up and down the inside of my thigh, making my option to squirm away, out of my options.

His hand finally settled on the edge of the bottom of my panties, right beside my throbbing parts.

He began to slowly move the fabric down my legs as he lifted me up around his wait and carried me to the counter-top.

Once he placed me on the counter, he kissed me on my lips, and then stood back and looked at my face and then slowly down. I lifted my hands up to cover my face as he grabbed my wrists Back to my sides.

"Don't be embarrassed beautiful, you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen"

His eyes diverted from my face and down to my bare pussy.

"And I don't just mean your face anymore" he said as he walked back to me and captured my in a kiss and moved his hand in, to capture my parts fully.

Even though the way he said and done that was kinda creepy, I was in no state to try and stop him from continuing his act.

He looked up to my to connect our eyes and said.

"May I"

Creepy, yet again.

"Mhmm" I said while nodding hesitantly. This probably isn't a good idea but right now it feels right.

He didn't respond to me after my last words, instead he moved his hand back and began to move his fingertips up and down my throbbing sensitive pussy.

Sorry, haven't updated in ages again, I will try to make them more frequent but I'm not making a promise I can't keep. One thing is that I won't just drop the story without telling any of you guys. Enjoy this shitty chapter you hormonal people.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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