The Star Story

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Sage's POV:

I was starting to feel uncomfortable around the other Star Darlings. They've started asking Cassie and me a lot of strange questions and giving me the cold shoulders. We're still friends and have a normal conversation, but do they have to follow me everywhere I go? I think that they're on to my secret or thought that I was the one behind all of the negative energy that is threatening Starland. Right now, Cassie and I were about to finish Raven's autobiography. We decided that the title of the book should be called, "The Life of Raven Ebony Queen from Ever After,"

"And done, well that's the last chapter of the book," I said.

"Yeah I know," Cassie replied," The is the best and the first book that I have ever written."

"Seriously?" I asked surprised that Cassie never wrote a book before.

"Yeah, I always love reading books, and I never got a chance to write one before," she told me.

"Well, it looks like your wish has come true," I joked cause I knew that wasn't Cassie's real wish.

"Thank you, Sage," she said.

"I should be the one thanking you," I said, " I wouldn't be able to finish this story without your help."

"Well you don't have to," she said, "I was enjoying writing the story."

"Well you only live once upon a time," I said.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"It means you only live once," I answered.

"Oh, I still don't get it," she said.

"It means that you have only one life to live so live it so that you are satisfied with the results," I explained to her.

"Okay now I get it," she said.

"Well every story has a beginning, and some stories are written in the stars," I said.

"Well, that is true," Cassie said, "Some inspiration can be found by looking at the stars," she replied.

Meanwhile at Ever After High

Dexter's POV:

I was walking around Ever After High thinking of something to do. As I was walking, I ran into Apple, and she was looking a lot better.

"Hey Apple," I said to her, "How are you feeling?"

"A little better," she replied.

"So are you doing anything?" I asked.

"No," she replied.

"Do you want to go to the Hocus Latte?" I suggested.

"Sure," she answered.

We went to the Hocus Latte and ordered our usual, and we decided to chat while we waited for our latte to be ready.

"So, what do you want to talk about," she asked.

"I don't know, maybe about Raven?" I suggested which I'm going to regret since it only brings bad memories.

"It's my fault that Raven's gone," she said, "If I didn't force her to sign the Storybook of Legends and followed her destiny, none of this would've happened."

"Apple you need to stop blaming yourself for Raven's death," I said.

"But it's all true. I was the reason why Raven killed herself. I was an awful person. She's right. I was selfish. If I could go back in time and change something, it would be stopping myself from hurting her," she said.

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