Darling Trouble

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Darling's POV:

There is something strange about that new girl Sage. First, she was hiding something when we asked her those questions, then she took out an unknown device and showed some other girls as she talked about some mission. Finally, she started to glow the same light and color that I found in the restroom. She's hiding something, and I'm going to see what it is. After I had finished all of my classes for the day, I found Sage at the Hocus Latte in Book End drinking what appears to be a salted caramel latte. Seeing her drinking that latte reminds me of Raven since she loves salted caramel.

Sage's POV:

As I was drinking my salted caramel latte, Darling Charming just walked up to me. "Sage can I talk to you for a bit?" she asked. "I don't ..." before I can even answer, Darling took my arm and dragged me to her dorm. "Okay you're not telling me something, so spill!" she yelled harshly. "I have no idea what you are talking about?" I said trying to hide my secret

"Don't play dumb. I know you're the person who was glowing in the girl's restroom, and I overheard that you were on some mission," she said. "Oh starf," I thought to myself. I know that Darling is so smart, she wouldn't buy any lies. So I think I should tell the truth. "Okay, I'll tell you the entire truth," I said. "Good now tell me what is your real name?" she asked. "I told you, my real name is Sage Starling. I'm a Starling," I said. "So you're an alien?" she asked. "Well kinda," I replied. "I'm a person from my home planet Starland."

"Where's that?" she asked. "It's a planet that disguises itself as a yellow glowing star," I answered. "Well what do you do?" she asked. "Have you ever wonder what happens when a wish is made by wishing upon a star, throwing a coin down a wishing well, blowing on a dandelion, or a birthday cake?"

"Now that you mentioned it, I'm starting to wonder about it," she said. "Well it turns into a sparkling wish orb, and it heads straight to Starland where all wishes are made to be granted. When a wish is ready, a special Starling is sent to help achieve the wishers' dream. The wish energy that comes from a granted wish provides energy to all of Starland. We only grant the positive wish that is possible to grant. A negative or bad wish can counteract the positive wish energy making Starland turn dark. Also, we can't grant anything that is impossible," I answered. "I go to Starling Academy to learn about wish granting and hope to graduate so I can be the best wish-granter Starland has ever seen. That is my wish."

"Wait a minute, aren't you a little young to be a Wish-Granter?" Darling asked. "Yes, yes I am," I answered. "But there is a reason for it. My home planet is being destroyed because negative wish energy is mysteriously being released. Nobody knows who or what is causing it. So, Lady Stella, the headmistress of Starling Academy is finding a way to stop this rise of the negative energy crisis. When she was searching for an answer in the Illumination Library, she found an old and forgotten tome. Within its pages is an oracle which spoke of twelve-star charmed girls. These girls have a unique ability to grant wishes so powerful that they can save Starland. My friends and I are the twelve starlings the Oracle was talking about."

"So you're here to grant someone wishes?" Darling asked. "Yes, I'm here to grant your brother Dexter's wish," I replied. "That is so cool, so what's his wish?"Darling asked. "Well, his wish is to see Raven alive again," I answered. "But isn't that an impossible wish since you can't bring anyone back from the dead?" she asked. "It is if she wasn't dead," I told her. "What you mean she's alive?" Darling asked. "No, she's standing right in front of you," I said as I made a small purple flame in my hand. "Wait a minute Sage, do you mean that you're Raven Queen?" Darling asked."

"Yes I am Raven Queen," I said as Darling hugged me. "Raven I can't believe you're alive?" Darling said as she started crying which starting to ruin her mascara. "I know, it's good to see you too," I said as she let go of me. "I need to tell everyone that you're alive," Darling said. As she was about to get out of her dorm room, I blocked the door."Darling, you can't, it would jeopardize my mission. Please don't tell anyone that I'm alive. I'll only be here for three months. I'll tell and show him that I'm Raven Queen when the time is right," I said. "Fine," Darling said. "But does anyone else know your identity?"

"Well, here's Chase, the White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, my mother the Evil Queen, and you" I answered. "Chase knew you were alive and he didn't tell me!" Darling yelled angerly. "Well, Maddie said to him and the White Rabbit that I'm alive. So the White Rabbit made a rabbit hole so he and Chase can go to Starland. He was the only person who convinced me to come back," I said. "So Maddie knows that you're alive?" she asked. "Yeah, but she doesn't even know who I am. The Cheshire Cat overheard what Maddie said about me being alive, and I told my mother about it."

"Well, I'll help keep your identity a secret, grant Dexter's wish, and give you an update while you were gone," Darling said. "Thanks, Darling," I said. "Oh and get this, I went to Wishworld other known as Earth or the real world."

"Really?" Darling asked. "Yeah, it's where all the graduated Starlings initially go to grant wishes. And get this, they even read our fairy tale stories. Plus, they have no destiny. They can choose their path, their life," I told Darling. "Wow, I am so jealous that you get to go there," she said. "Well I better get going," I said. "But first, I need to tell friends about this."

I got out my Star-Zap and Cassie, and it shows a hologram of her. "Sage, how is your wish mission?" she asked. "Well, I told Darling the truth since she is so smart, and she wouldn't buy any of my lies," I said as Darling came next to me and gave a slight wave. "Sage, you're not supposed to tell them who you are," Cassie said. "I know, I'm sorry. I should've kept it a secret, but this made me feel so bad lying to her," I said. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret," Darling said. "Okay then, I'll tell the rest of the S.D. about the update on your mission," Cassie said as she ended the call.

"Sage, who was that girl that we were talking," Darling asked. "Oh, that was Cassie. She's one of my friends, my roommate at my school Starling Academy, and one of the S.D. which is an acronym for Star Darlings," I answered. "Okay then. Well, it's getting late, so I think you should head back to your dorm before Apple starts worrying about you," Darling suggested. "Thanks, Darling. Well charm you later," I said as I head back to the dorm. It feels good to tell someone about my secret.

Hey, everyone. WinxStarDracoFire here. I'm so glad to update for so long, and it is almost summer. However, the next two weeks is dead week another know as Finals Testing. I will be super busy for studying for the finals. Also, my mom is about to take my electronic privileges for the summer because I haven't finished making my D.M.V. Yeah, so probably no updates during the finals. I'm sorry, but it's going to take a long time for me to finish my D.M.V. Well I hope you are having a great summer, and I can't wait to watch Disney Descendants 2 on July 21st on ABC, Freeform, Lifetime, Disney Channel, and Disney XD. Until then, see you soon.

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