arriving to cali

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Adri's POV:
Ah Cali were finally here now we just need to find the house that we bought. Ok let me introduce myself. I'm Adriana but most of my friends call me Adri but i have been having a tough time in my home in NY and so I was done with it and wanted to start over again so I asked my friends who are my family and they said yes.

So we packed everything up and bought the house with my saved up money since i did babysitting and wrote songs, some of the songs that you heard from some artist were really from me cause I sold it to them and with that we raised enough money and since we look older than we really are we got away with our plan.

We got a moving truck and since we hang out a lot and our parents aren't always that much around with work and all that so we were able to have a moving truck come to our houses and pick up all our stuff and off we went.

Ok so you met me but you still need to met the rest of my friends. Ok so there's Juan, my guy friend. Ok you may be wondering if we might have a thing for each other, the answers no, we're just friends that's all.

Anyways he's two years older than me. Then there my friend Roseanna who is my best friend's younger cousin and I'm like a month and a half older than her.. Me and Roseanna are the same age even though our birthdays are on different days. So there's one more person left.

My best dumbest friend and sister, who's cousins with Roseanna, nilmary(nil-m-ari)and she was my second new friend when we were in sixth grade. Me and her clicked right away but before her was julio he was my new friend at the beginning of the year and we had a few classes together but we weren't as close until we were in 7th grade and that's when I met Roseanna. She's the best she can be very goofy and weird but we all love her and she can be sorta like a mom.

So if you ever met us you would think that we are a weird group...don't ask.

"Hey Julio how much longer till we're at the house," I asked. Tell you something I was actually really excited and so are my friends we are very happy that this plan went really well. But we sorta ran away but nobody would really miss us except for our other friends but we'll come back for vacations and see them again plus I have all of there facebook pages so we can video chat on messenger when there up.

"In a few more minutes. We bought the house in Los Angeles so its a few more minutes to go. The moving truck guy already knows where exactly it is since he moved people over here before," julio said. "Ok. Hey Roseanna?" "Yes adri?" She said. "Can you put some music on?" "Sure. Do you want Spanish or English music." "What kind of Spanish songs do you have?" "Uhhh we have Prince Royce." "Put that on." "Yes please put that on," nilmary said. Let's just say me and nilmary are huge prince royce fan I mean who couldn't. He's sweet, cute, hot, romantic, sings beautiful, has amazing songs, and well you get it right. Some people like him for his body and you hearing my list of thing you probably think I'm one of those people that's part of it, I also said romantic. He has a big heart for everyone I have other favorites but I listen to them on my own time.

Why you may ask *whispers* cause I'm basically the only one in this family that is in the fandom for many years well since the begining of everything they did and plus I still listen to there old songs and I'm a bit old schooled. I still remember little old me watching the TV screen so close cause my favorite people are on. That's why I can't see from a long distance and that's why I have to wear glasses.

I'm not the only one so does Roseanna my Nilmary and except Julio he can't see from a long distance either so basically were all blind and can't see from a long distance which sucks really. But we have eye contacts and I have them on but I have one that changes my eye color I mean I love myself but really I need a different eye color other than brown.

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