Dancing and surprise

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Adri's POV:
"Oh no it's my dance videos," I said underneath my breath. "What was that," ryland said. "Oh nothing let me just take this up to my room," I said starting to get the box and walk towards the staircase until someone took the box away from me. I looked at who it was and it was rocky and ross holds me back from getting them back. "Ross! Let me go!" I yelled. "Not a chance," he said.

"Ok but can we at least sit on the couch and I won't do anything please," I said staring ross in the eyes with my puppy dog eyes on. He fell in my trap and we sat while riker puts one of the disc's in the DVD player. Then when we sat and ross lets go of me but still sits next to me I knew it was my chance so I got up and tried to get the disc out but was immediately pulled back down.

"Hey no funny business," ross said. I huffed. "This is going to be embarrassing," I said while burying my face into ross and put my hair down to help me cover my face as well.

I heard the music and then I heard nothing and I was afraid of what they thought. So to get it over with I lifted up my head and saw everyone, except for jess, nilmary, and julio, looking dead at the screen. Jess, Nilmary and Julio saw mostly almost all of them so they pretty much know that I danced since I was very very very little.

"That dance was in 2005...it was my very first solo they thought that since I had more experience and my breathing was so much better than it was before," I said looking dead at the screen after a few minutes of watching me dance since I was almost able to walk and it was me and my dad dancing. I miss those day but now a days he's really busy trying to get money by working in the field like always since as long as I can remember.

I then felt all eyes on me and then back at the screen. So to get it all out I got up and luckily for me I still remember all of my dances and there was nothing in the way since this basement was really big or should I say huge and there was a lot of room.

I got in my position for the next choreographed dance which was another solo dance but in 2007. But instead of facing everyone I looked at the screen that was right in front of me. After I was done I saw that the next one was a group dance me and the girls did in 2009 for a dance competition that we won many times. But this time I was facing my little audience.

I saw that they all had shocked faces even my family. The rest I knew why but my fam its probably because I told them that I wanted a new start and that means forgetting who I was and what I loved and all that. But I guess I couldn't do it cause everything that I loved had to deal with music.

I kept dancing all the way to my last dance that I had before I left NY and then I letteraly laid down on the floor cause I danced way to much and of all types of dance numbers and different tempos so I was very exhausted. "Ugh I'm getting old my body ain't how it used to be." I groaned out.

I took deep breaths cause I feel like I'm gonna have an asthma attack but I never do since its basically almost gone after all these years since I was 3.

"Well you did dance a lot and even a couple of them in heals I mean even I can't do that especially with heals obviously," riker said. "Of course that's obvious your a boy and those heals are 3 inches you can only handle like the 1 inch heals or maybe half of that," I responded back. "Plus it looks like I'm more fit that you boys because I did over 50 dance numbers so beat that," I continued.

"Oh ok wanna see who can excise more. Let's do a competition on how many pushups we can do each person needs to count there own," rocky said. Oh he will regret saying that I can beat pretty much anyone. Even julio who nobody, except me, can beat him. I couldn't beat him at first but I brought my a-game and I finally beat him. Anyways rocky is gonna be surprised after this.

"Ok but me, nilmary, and jess aren't doing it we will like to be sweat free today for a while so we'll just watch our girl beat you guys," rydel said. "Guys you sure about this she is a girl but don't underestimate her I'm unbeatable and she beats me at almost anything," julio said. "Yeah we're sure," ryland said. Oh I'm so ready to kick their butts.

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