Getting the rooms done

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Riker's POV:
We just got in the car and we were jamming out to so many songs on that radio. Adri was an amazing singer. Like there was no good voice like hers that I ever heard in my life time. She can hit many different notes even the very low ones. If she was my age I would have taken her but there are plenty of fishes in the sea I know I'll find the right one soon.

Once we got to the mall for the paint adri was the first to be out and everyone one else slowly followed. Then Adi came back running. "Hurry up slow pokes we don't have all day we need to get my room done or else I have to share with nilmary and she will never let you sleep for a while until its like 6 in the freaking morning and I need my sleep or else I'm grumpy for a while!"

After she said that mostly ross and rydel and pretty much everyone picked up there pace and got into the mall.

Adri's POV
After I yelled at everyone to hurry up they actually picked up there pace. Its true nilmary will make you stay up very late but only for sleepover and that's pretty much it. She's not that terrible I just needed an excuse to make them hurry up which really worked out well.

"Ok I follow you. So lead the way." I said while jump in on ross to give me a ride to the store. Man this guy has a good grip and he's not that bad either...wait what am I saying he's a famous guy you pretty much known him all your life. Get a grip he's not into you he could be dating someone much prettier than you and you promised that you wouldn't ever move on from messiah. Wait did I just say his name whoa ok something is not ok with me. I don't know why at least right at this moment but maybe I soon will.

"Ok where here," ross said and I got off of his back. "Ok rydel honest opinion what would go with a baby blue color in the basement for the design?" I asked. "Why you asking me?" "Well by the looks of your fashion your pretty great at it and plus your a girl so girl to girl we both have greater taste in fashion and everything else thats pretty than your brothers do," I said whispering the last few parts to her.

"Completely honest its design color would be white and I know for sure that your going to make it look very pretty," rydel said. "You really think so?" "I know so." "Ok so for my room I want it to be bloody red and don't ask why I just do and since you guys are being helpful I'm going to let you do whatever you want on my walls I don't care what you do." "Really!? This better not be a joke." "Does it look like I'm I'm serious." "OMG! I'm going to make your room look amazing...with a little help from my brothers of course." "Alright let's go get the paint. BOYS!"

After i said that the boys came to my and rydel and with someone else with brunette hair. "So I'm guessing this is your other younger brother ryland right?" "Yeah how'd you know," rocky asked. "Eh its not that hard to see the similarity's between you guys," I said like it was nothing.

"Wow," was all he could say with a look on his face saying impressive. "Ok I'm going to get the baby blue and white paint you guys go and get the colors you need for my decorations on my bedroom wall along with bloody red paint as well. Everyone got it?" I asked. Everyone nods their head's up and down. Then I went to go and ask for the paint I wanted.

Rydel's POV:
After adri went to get the paint for the basement I immediately go and get the pink paper and all the pretty colors for her room. "Uhhh dells why are you getting so much paint for Adri's room," I heard riker ask me. "Well for one I want her bedroom to be pretty and second she's giving us permission for us to paint the decorations and she also want the bloody red color for her entire wall which is pretty and so I just need a few different colors for the decorations that'll stand out on the wall and you will be able to see it," I said explaining everything up for him.

"Oh ok well now I see why," riker said. "Yeah took you a while." "Ok what did I say about sassying in public or anywhere really?" "To not do it." "Exactly." "Sorry." "Its ok now you done picking out the colors or do you still need some more?" "Actually can you go find dark blue and then that will be it?" "Yes," he said that as quiet as he could but failed. He really loves blue.

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