12.03 - The Foundry

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12.03 The Foundry coda, 1,046 words. I live for Dean and Cas having supportive phone conversations.


Dean had stopped crying a while ago, but the edges of his eyes were crusted shut, his eyelashes damp. Sam had gone to his room not long after mom left and closed the door. Dean had caught the droning narration of a WWII documentary when he'd gone past on his way to bed. His stomach groaned but he had no appetite. There were no footsteps in the halls tonight.

His laptop was plugged in to charge; the lone blue LED light caught the objects on his nightstand like ghosts: his phone, an empty water glass, a fat paperback Cas had borrowed from a motel lobby and never read. Dean picked up the phone out of habit. Cas had checked in hours ago to say he'd reached Ohio, but Dean, still angry Cas had gone without them, had given him only a grunted "okay."

No new messages. It was four in the morning but wherever Cas was right now, he was awake. He wouldn't mind if Dean called. Still, Dean was nervous as it rang, thinking Cas might not answer this time, that Dean's clipped tone earlier might earn him another rejection.

Cas answered swiftly, assuaging his fear. "Dean. Just a moment." From the sound of it, he was driving. A DJ droned on the radio and the phone practically shook from the rumble of a large vehicle passing the truck. The radio went silent. Cas's voice was rough, like he hadn't spoken in hours. "You're up late."

"How was Cleveland?"

"The situation is neutralized for now. I believe we have an ally in Rowena. By the time we arrived, she'd already banished Lucifer, but it's only a matter of time before he locates another vessel."

"Who's 'we'?"

"Crowley was with me."

Dean swallowed a sudden bitter taste in the back of his throat. "That why you didn't need our help?"

"He happened to be following the same lead I was. I'm no happier about our collaboration than you are, but if I'm going to return Lucifer to the cage, Crowley could prove useful."

"I see. Is he there now?"

"No, I'm alone." Cas was quiet for a moment. Dean imagined him with the phone tucked between his shoulder and ear, head cocked as he checked the rearview mirror. He could almost hear Cas scowling. "Something's wrong."

"With what?"

"In your voice. I can hear it. What happened?"

Dean rubbed his eyes. "Nothing happened, Cas. I'm just checking in."

"Don't lie to me. It's the middle of the night."

For once, Dean couldn't think of anything besides the truth. His mother had left, but he couldn't say that out loud just yet.

"Look, I'll call you tomorrow," he said before his voice broke. It wavered on the last syllable. He hung up the phone without waiting for a reply and buried his face in his hands.

His cell began to ring almost instantaneously. Cas's ringtone. He ignored it through the first cycle, but Cas rang him again. If Dean didn't pick up, Cas would try Sam next. Dean couldn't make out the sounds of Sam's TV anymore. Maybe he'd managed to fall asleep. It would be like Sam to remain hopeful and they'd likely come to blows if both of them were running on fumes in the morning.

"What?" he snapped, bringing the phone to his ear.

"What happened?" Cas asked.

"Bad signal."

Cas was having none of his bullshit. "Is it your mother?"

"Yeah," Dean said quietly.

"Is she alright?"

"I don't think so." Dean swallowed hard and let out a breath. "She gave me and Sam this speech about not belonging here. Said she still thinks of me as four years old, needs time to get her head around it, then took off. "

"She's not with you?"

"Sam said she took one of the spare cars. I didn't talk to her before she left."

"Dean, I'm so sorry."

"It is what it is." Dean sniffed. A new wave of tears spilled down his cheeks. "So, everything's under control with Lucifer, huh?"

"For now."

"Keep us posted."

"I will." Gently, Cas said, "Your mother will come back."

Dean snorted. "Sure."

"She loves you."

"Yeah. That's why she took off, right?"

"I know you're hurting, but put yourself into her position. What would you do if you woke up thirty years from now to a life that was completely alien?"

"I sure as hell wouldn't abandon my kids."

"Her children are grown and she played no part in that. I spoke with her last night while you were sleeping. I think she feels ... obsolete."

"Yeah, well, I understand the feeling."

"Don't say that."

"What am I supposed to think, Cas, when my own mother doesn't want me?"

"That's not true."

"Isn't it? Everyone I've ever given a damn about has walked away from me at some point."

"You can't compare this to any of those situations."

"Sure I can. What is it they say about the least common denominator?"

Cas sighed. "I wish my wings still functioned. You shouldn't be alone right now. Where's Sam?"

"Sleeping. It's probably a good thing you can't fly. I'm not great company tonight."

"I don't care."

Dean smiled faintly in spite of himself. "That your way of saying you miss me?"

"I always miss you when we aren't together."

Dean flushed at the sincerity and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. It came away wet. "You know how to make a guy blush."

"So you've said." Cas sounded amused. "Dean, even if you are right about your mother, and I don't believe you are, you have me and Sam."

"You should've seen his face, Cas. Like he'd been slapped. It meant so much to him, having her here."

"She'll come back."

"I hope you're right."

"You should try to sleep."

"Can't get my mind to settle. Would you, uh ... talk to me for a while?"

"About what?"

"Anything." Dean pulled the sheet up to his chin. "Did you do interviews today?"


"What agent name did you use this time?"


"You're shitting me."

"The Internet said she's extremely popular. I enjoyed several of her songs."

"Soon as you get home, we need to do something about your music education."

Cas chuckled. "I look forward to it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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