Chapter 15

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The moment we reach camp, it seems like everyone rushes over to us to see how badly I'm injured. I must have disappointed them because pretty soon the crowd of curious students clears up and I'm led toward a tent bigger in size than the others around it, by Ms. Bella.

Mr. Craig lets me, Ned, Jade and Raquelle inside the tent, and disperses the other boys. Ms. Sarah, who's ready with a First-Aid box, helps me lie down on a soft and comfy mattress kept on the ground. The faces around me are filled with concern as Ms. Sarah asks me what happened, and checks my ankle simultaneously.

After about 5 minutes, Ms. Sarah concludes, "It is a sprain after all—the swelling there tells you clearly—but it's just a small one and I'm sure you'll be okay after a night's rest. Don't walk around on that leg too much for today, and by tomorrow you'll be as good as new." She finishes with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Sarah." I say, and sit up. Jade helps me stand, and then holds my hand when I walk out the tent and head to our own. Ned and Raquelle accompany us.

"Does it pain a lot Ashlee?" Raquelle asks, worried.

"Oh no, it's completely fine." I reassure them. "So, what's the next activity in line for us?" I enquire.

"Wait, don't tell me you're going to do more stuff today instead of resting that leg." Ned speaks up for the first time since we got back to camp.

"Come on! You don't expect me to sit still and sulk, and watch all of you having fun, do you?" I protest.

"You don't have to be alone; I'll be there with you for the whole day so you're not bored. Please, Ashlee..." Ned pleads.

"He's right, and Raquelle and me also aren't going anywhere without you." Jade declares.

My eyes start watering—I never expected Jade and Raquelle, too, to stand by me. After all, for how long have they known me? Two or three hours? And yet here they are, sticking to me like the best friends I never had.

I say, "Aww...thank you very much, all of you, but I can't spoil your day as well. No, you go ahead as planned, and I'll rest, if that's what you want." Relief flashes across their faces. "But hey—I'm not going to spoil my whole day as well! I'll rest only for the afternoon, and in the evening I'll join you in whatever you're doing." Before they can open their mouths in protest, I continue, "No! I'm not compromising on anything else. Now tell me, deal or not?"

They exchange worried glances, then Jade says, "Okay, but promise us you won't wander around on your own."

"Well, I can't say that..." I trail off, mischeivously, when Ned says, "Ashlee, please..." The pleading look in his eyes melts me and I quickly reply, throwing my hands in the air, "Okay, okay! As you wish."

Reassured, Jade and Raquelle leave after making sure I'm comfortably lying on the mattress in our tent, with many books surrounding me to keep me occupied. No wonder; Ned must have told them already how much of a voracious reader I am.

Thinking of him, I glance at him, sitting across from me on the mattress opposite mine. Yes, he hadn't gone yet and was adamant that he stay with me for a little while longer, in case I needed anything. At first, even the girls were reluctant to leave me alone, so when Ned offered to stay(rather stated that he would stay), I coaxed the girls to go and not worry.

Coincidentally, he also looks up from the book he's reading at the same moment, and our eyes lock.

He smiles at me, his soft hazel eyes boring deep into my own. I don't know why, but suddenly I have a funny feeling inside my stomach, and I grin back before shifting my gaze back on to the book in my own hands.

Just then, Evan, Robert, and Jack pass our tent and Jack peeps inside. He opens his mouth to tell me something, when he spots Ned and calls out to him instead, "Hey, Ned! We've been all over the place looking for you. And you were here all the time. Umm, Ashlee, mind if we come inside for a minute?" He turns his head to look at me.

"Sure, come right in!" I reply happily. Having extra company is always good. And also, I'm itching to find out more about Ned's new friends.

"How are you feeling now?" Evan asks politely.

"Much better, thanks. Aren't you all doing anything interesting? I mean, what's happening outside?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, the others are having fun outside. The teachers are hosting some games for the campers, but we were bored so we sneaked off to find Ned." Robert informs me.

"By the way, what are you doing here, Ned?" Jack asks.

"Nothing, just keeping Ashlee company." He smiled at me as he said this, which somehow made me blush.

"Ned, if you want to go with them somewhere, you're free to, you know. I am completely fine on my own."

"No, Ashlee, I don't want to—" Ned starts but is cut off by Robert.

"Come on, Ned! Let's go out—you can't waste this sunny afternoon stuffed inside a tent, absorbed in a book unless you simply have to! I'm sure she's alright by herself, right Ashlee?"

"Absolutely. You guys should totally go out and have fun, and Ned, I'm really happy where I am now, and wouldn't feel sad or left-out at all, if that's what's going on in your mind." I give a sly smile to him. He looks surprised, and says, "Wow, so you're a mind reader as well?!" He grins, then gets up and motions for his friends to move out of the tent and he'll follow. They wave goodbye to me and leave.

When everyone is outside, he turns back and peeps inside the tent to say one last thing before leaving, "Take care, I'll be back before you know it. By the way, one more quality of yours added to the overflowing list." He winks, and, without waiting for my response, walks away to join his friends waiting some distance away.

One more quality? The wheels start turning in my brain, trying to decipher what he meant by that, while my cheeks heat up.

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