Chapter 26

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So first we went to the Police Station. The criminals were put behind bars while Ned and I were questioned thoroughly by Officer Bradley, the same one who'd rescued us from the rogues. We gave him our statements, taking care to provide every little detail that might prove helpful to them in tracking down the whole racket of smugglers in the state.

Officer Bradley looked really impressed with us, and promised that we'd be getting awards for bravery for tackling these goons on our own. Of course, we said we didn't need any such thing, but he firmly told us that we will, otherwise, how would people know about our feat and be inspired to perform such courageous acts?

Shortly, our parents arrived at the Station and then, obviously, we were both showered with hugs and kisses from our respective, still worried, fathers and mothers! Ned's parents also hugged me and congratulated me, while my parents did the same to Ned.

Well, we hadn't yet told them the exact details of how our adventure finished, because if we'd told them that both of us were near-death at some points during it, they'd surely have collapsed with worry! And seeing their state of concern, neither of us wished to tell this to them just then. They just knew that we'd discovered the gang's hideout and called the Police ourselves to arrest the criminals.

Yes, the time would come for them to know, but that  wasn't the right time.

Following this, we'd returned to our homes, and though my parents insisted that I first eat something, I, first of all, went to get a shower. I was exhausted and my whole body was aching due to all the exertion. After the long, hot shower, I changed into a comfortable skirt and a blouse with puffed, elbow-length sleeves, before crashing into my pillow. You might think I do this task quite often — and you'll be right. Sleeping is my next favorite thing after reading, going on an adventure, cycling, swimming, and...uh-oh, another handful of things!

So I slept peacefully, without any dreams of haunted treehouses or screaming witches! In fact, I just awoke, as I heard the ringtone of my cell phone.

Shifting myself a bit to reach my phone that had been kept on my bedside table, I grab it and place it nearer to my face, squinting at the bright screen showing 04:55 p.m., to see there was a missed call on it. I rub my eyes and tap on the "Logs" button to see who'd been calling. It was Raquelle(we'd all exchanged numbers before the trip ended)! I sit up and lean back on my fluffy pillow, before calling her back. She picks up after just a ring or two.

"Ashlee! How are you, my girl? I heard all about what happened..."

"Yeah, I'm fine. So, what's up?"

"Actually, it's my birthday tomorrow, so I was wondering if you'd come? My parents have organized a birthday bash in the evening, and about the whole grade will be there."

"You don't sound too happy about it, what's wrong?"

"Yep! My Mom wants me to wear this gown she bought specially for this occasion, and believe won't want to be caught wearing that even in a fancy-dress competition! It's so tacky. And I hate over-elaborate things! What should I do?"

I laugh hearing this. Raquelle is girly, sure — but when it comes to clothes, she always wants to dress like a tomboy! I observed that during our trip, too. "Don't worry, Raquelle, I'll see to it that you don't wear anything that embarrasses you in front of the whole grade." I tease her.

"Oh, thanks, dear! So, you'll come, then, right?"

"Of course I will! You're one of my best friends now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, and same here, girlfriend! See you tomorrow at school, then, okay?"


"Plus, I've invited Ned too, so you would have a great dance partner as well!" she says suddenly, in a teasing tone.

"What? Wait..."


She hangs up, before I can say anything. I smile, remembering what Ned had said to me in the forest, "I love you, too, Ashlee..." . I think of how Jade and Raquelle would react to this piece of news.

I climb out of the covers and wear my bunny slippers before heading downstairs, to get something to eat. My stomach had started making these funny noises while I chatted with Raquelle, and I'd realized I was hungry, having not eaten anything since my breakfast.

Wow! This is, like, the longest time I've been without food! I mentally congratulate myself. When I'm at home the whole day, I keep searching for snacks or tit-bits to have every few minutes or so, but even then I can go long without consuming any food as and when required.

I find the house quiet when I come to the kitchen via the hall. Mom and dad must be asleep. I make a few sandwiches for myself and carry them out to the porch. The sun is about to set, but even then the atmosphere's quite warm. I make myself at home in the porch swing, and prop my legs onto the small garden table as I start working on the sandwiches. Eating them, I'm reminded of the time Ned came over. What did he come for, though? Oh, right; the research for our story.

STORY!! Oh no, I'd completely forgotten about that assignment. When were we suppose to submit it, though? I try remembering what exactly Ms. Hirsh had said...

"...I want the assignment by Monday, next to next week..."

Oh, shoot!!! The day we're supposed to submit our stories is tomorrow!

I start panicking. It's so late already. We won't have enough time to complete the story now, even if we tried. What should I do?

Not able to think of anything else, I go back to my room to call Ned. He picks up and says:

"Hi! Missing me already?" He teases.

"Save that for later, Mr. Cheesy! We have a more important task at hand right now. What are you munching on?" I ask, hearing him chew something while speaking.

"Oh, some tasty sandwiches."

"Oh...what a coincidence. I was just having some, too."

"Well, it's more probable they're yours, then."

"Umm...why?" I ask, confused.

"Because I'm currently sitting on the swing on your porch?" He suggests, and I run downstairs with the phone still in my hands, entering the porch to see who else but Ned!

He winks and grins on seeing me, holding a half-eaten sandwich in one hand and his phone in the other. I notice a notebook and a pen lying near him on the swing.

"You could've told me you were coming." I pretend to complain, before sitting on the other end of the swing.

"Well, it happened kind of fast, and anyway —"

"Forget it. Do you remember we needed to write a story for our Creative Writing Assignment?"

"That's precisely the reason I rushed here now, Ashlee. We need to submit it tomorrow!"

"Exactly. Let's get to work right away...we don't have time! "

And so, we started working on the story. Guess what it was? Yes, you're right. It's the one you just finished reading!



Phew. My first novel. ENDS!! Not sure if I'm happy or sad. Not sure if you're satisfied with the end, either! :P

Well, maybe I'll insert an epilogue or something later on, but the main story is complete as of now.

Also, the cover which got the most votes till now was B, so I'm putting up the new cover. Voting officially closed now! (05.02.17)

A BIG thanks to EVERYONE for their support and love for this's been a great journey. For now, I'm working on another book in the genre of Fantasy with my BFFs through our joint account, @polarstars65 , so maybe we'll meet again after a few months, when the book's published.

See you later, then, my loyal readers! :)

Tell me how the cover looks, if it seems a bit darker, then I'll have to go back to the earlier one and open voting again! :P

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