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I entered the cafeteria and made my way toward our usual table, in the corner, near the big windows facing the garden. I noticed that most of the cafeteria was empty, just two-three more students at different tables, sitting alone and finishing their lunch. It reminded me of myself, a couple of years ago.

I smiled as my gaze landed on my friends seated around the big round table and chatting away, laughing at times. My eyes searched the table for Ned, but he wasn't to be seen anywhere. I thought, maybe his teacher had kept him in for some extra work or something, and grabbing my tray on the way, I arrived at our table.

"Hey, Ash!"

"Hi, Ashlee!!"

"Hey, come on, we were just talking about you!"

Everyone bombarded me with greetings and questions as soon as they saw me.

"Ashlee, have you seen Ned today? Neither of us did, and we're wondering if the Earth swallowed him up this morning," Raquelle suggested.

I laughed. "Well, no, I haven't...but I was hoping one of you may have."

"Oh, forget him; he must surely be loitering around somewhere with his books." Evan stated.

We're in Senior Year now, and school's just about to end. Everyone's busy in their preparations for the Finals, though we still find time, at least during recess, to hang out with each other.

I seriously wonder what's wrong with him...he's been acting so strange all this week.

With these thoughts occupying my mind, I sat down and absently picked at my lunch-noodles and fried vegetable balls. No doubt it was delicious, but I wasn't paying much attention to the food just then.

A few minutes later, Raquelle's phone beeped. She put down her burger and checked her cell, then tapped some keys on the screen and put it back inside the pocket of her jeans.

A few more beeps sounded around the table.

She stood up. "Guys, I'm going to check out some books in the library that I needed for a project. It's really urgent, and I'm glad I remembered it now. Anyone coming with me? I'll just be a few minutes."

Jeff offered to accompany her, and Robert and Jack got up too.

I shrugged when Raquelle looked at me.

"Fine, see you, people!" And with this, she hopped out, the boys following her.

Now only Jade, Evan and I were left. We continued eating our food but all of a sudden, Jade's cell started ringing. "Excuse me, guys," she said and picking it up, stood up and moved away from the table, turning her back to us.

About a minute later, she returned and said, "Sorry guys, but I need to immediately go to the Office, my aunt has come and she's asking for me, I don't know why. I hope nothing's terrible happened..." As she said this, I noticed her expression, which was as if she was biting the inside of her cheek.

"I'll come with you," Evan declared and got up.

"I'm coming as well," I stated, and got up too.

"No, Ashlee, you stay here. Get something to eat before class starts, you seem hungry. I'll be back soon, and Evan's with me, alright?" That was true, indeed. I hadn't had breakfast that morning and was really starving, but still, I didn't feel like eating.

"No, it's alright..."

"No, you're staying here, okay?" Jade interrupted, once more adopting her serious attitude, and I was taken aback. "Fine! I'll stay." I threw my hands up in mock surrender, and sat back down.

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