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Chapter 18

My eyes flattered open when I was in Harry´s arms.

“Harry?”, I asked confused.

“I´m sorry I didn´t want to wake you.”, he apologized while he carried me into the bedroom.

“No, no it´s ok.”, I smiled kissing his jaw line, since I wasn´t able to reach his cheek. Harry leaned in and placed a kiss on my mouth. He kicked the door open and laid me down on his bed.

“Harry I have to change.”, I giggled when he grabbed the blankets and covered me with them.

“Oh yes sorry.”, he chuckled and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me out of bed.

“Wait I don´t have my pyjamas.”, I realized.

“Oh.”, he said opening his wardrobe.

“Harry it´s ok I can sleep in my shirt.”, I tried to stop him.

“No, no I´ll give you one of mine.”, he said and grabbed a white t-shirt.

“Arms up.”, he smiled. I lifted my arms and he pulled my shirt over my head.

“Are you sleeping with or without bra?”, he asked.

“Without.”, I replied shyly.

“Don´t be shy.”, he said kissing my nose and signalized me to turn around. I did and he unclasped my bra. He softly pushed the straps down my arms and placed a kiss on my right shoulder. Goosebumps covered my skin. His hands travelled down my torso. He unbuttoned my jeans and slipped his right hand into them while he wrapped his left arm around me pulling me closer to him. His lips were placed on my neck sucking really hard on it, while his fingers started to rub me through my panties.

“Harry.”, I softly moaned causing him to rub harder. My head rolled back in pleasure resting on his shoulder, while he started to graze his teeth over the soft skin on my neck, bringing blood to the surface. Harry pushed my jeans down giving him more access to my sensitive area. I stepped out of them rubbing my bum against his crotch.

“You´re already so wet.”, his raspy voice whispered into my ear, causing me to moan again.

“I like the way your body reacts when I touch you.”, he groused. I pressed my eyes closed and tugged my bottom lip in between my teeth. Harry pulled his shirt over his head and pressed our bodies together, my bum hitting his growing bulge hard, causing him to moan.

“Ugh Si.” I started to rub my bum against his crotch.

MR STYLES (one direction fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя