Chapter 34

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no proofread!!

Chapter 34

I felt Harry moving in the bed while I slowly opened my eyes.

“Good morning honey.”, he smiled at me leaning down kissing my lips softly. “I made breakfast.”

“Aaw that´s really sweet Harry.”, I grinned sitting up.

“I hope that you aren´t too mad at me.”, he whispered lowering his gaze to his lap.

“Why?”, I asked just as quiet.

“Cause you immediately fell asleep maybe even fainted after I stopped.”, he sighed twisting the duvet between his fingers. I grabbed his hands in mine making him look at me before I pressed my lips against his. Harry placed his hands under my bum pulling me onto his lap kissing me more passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair while his tongue finally entered my mouth roaming it. Before Harry could lay me down I stopped him.

“Wait.”, I breathed.

“I-I´m sorry I-”

“Don´t. I just wanted to move the food tray away.”, I smirked making Harry smile. He quickly grabbed the tray placing it on his bedside table before he gently pushed me down laying in between my legs pressing his lips against the skin under my earlobe.

“Harry.”, I softly moaned when he started to suck on my skin. After he was finished marking me I grabbed his arms and pushed his back into the mattress straddling him. I pressed our crotches together feeling his already hard member pressing against my sensitive area.

“I want you Harry. Now.”, I whispered desperately. Harry groaned biting his lip before he grabbed the hem of his shirt I was wearing to bed lifting it up while I tried to push his sweatpants down since he was already shirtless.


“I love you Si.”, Harry breathed in my ear collapsing on top of me. We stayed like this for a few minutes till Harry pulled out of me, I winced a little fisting the sheets. Harry placed a kiss on my forehead laying down beside me.

“I love you too Harry.”, I whispered still breathing heavily. Harry brushed my sweaty hair out of my face staring into my eyes.

“Kiss me.”, he whispered and I leaned in pressing our foreheads together before I softly pressed my lips against his. He cupped my cheeks and I slightly bit down on his bottom lip making him moan quietly. Harry wrapped his arms around my still naked body moving me closer pressing my body against his, he slowly moved his hand between my legs caressing my sore area. I winced pressing my legs together. Harry tried to part them again, but I stopped him.

“Harry please.”, I begged moaning.

“I want you Si.”, he moaned into the kiss.

“Please.”, I breathed. “Please be careful.”

“I promise.”, he whispered pulling me on top of him kissing me harder.


“Can I come in?”, Harry asked knocking on the bathroom door, after we went for round two I fell asleep, Harry woke me up and we ate breakfast before I decided to take a shower.

“Yeah I´m ready now.”, I answered wrapping the towel around my body.

“Naaw I wanted to shower with you.”, he came in pouting.

“Next time.”, I smiled ruffling his hair.

“Hey.”, he protested slapping my bum. I gasped making him laugh.

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