Chapter 1: The lullaby

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Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who no one knew existed, because no one knew them and no one ever would. Except, the children. In the shadows during the night, they roam the streets, looking for a child to take to the land of enchantments. And if a child would weep, they would sing and the child would obay each word, they would follow to the cabin, deep into the woods, without knowing their faith or that they would never see their families, ever again.

"Wife, we have to hurry, for someone could come at any minute now", the man whispered and leaned over the bed.

"No one will come, dear husband, for no one knows we are here", the woman said and traced a finger with a log red nail, across the face of the child in the bed.

The child's eyes opens and she looks at the man and the woman in horror. Her eyes terrified. For the two was not a sight to behold.

The man and the woman could see that she was preparing to scream. The man gently put a hand over the little girls mouth.

"Hush little child, follow us, we will show you the way, don't say a word, don't make a sound. Deep into the wood we will go, the land where no one knows. Shadows and darkness will play with you until death slowly embraces you, into a peaceful sleep", the woman sang her lullaby.

The little girl in the bed suddenly looked enchanted. The man took away his hand, and sang with his wife.

They sang much louder.

"Hush little child, follow us, we will show you the way, don't say a word, don't make a sound. Deep into the wood we will go, the land where no one knows. Shadows and darkness will play with you until death slowly embraces you, into a peaceful sleep".

The little girl followed them through the window. Not aware of the fact that she was now being kidnapped. Her mother and her father had tucked their baby girl into bed that night. They had kissed her forehead and and told her goodnight. She didn't know that was the last time she was ever going to see them.

The little girl was enchanted but she was scared and still, she did want to see where the land no one could see was placed. She did want to hear the man and the woman sing. They were not scary, they just looked scary.

The little girl could not feel a single emotion and she could not stir her own body. She could not open her mouth. She did not want to die.

In the far, the three could her a horrid scream. A mothers scream after her little daughter. Her little daughter, who was not lying in her bed anymore. The bed was empty, and would stay empty forever. Every parent in the town new. When a child left their bed, they would never come back ever again.

The man continued to sing. The woman traced her long nail from the little girls throat to her chin.

"Won't I see my mommy and daddy again?" The little girl asked.

"Sweet girl, we saved you at last, now you will be with us", the woman answered with a wicked smile.

The little girl followed the man and the woman. She tried not to listen to the screams. The man and the woman enjoyed the screams. They loved the screams. Loved making people suffer.

Once the children they took, made it into the garden around the cabin, they were impossible to track.

The little girls mommy and daddy would never see their beautiful little girl again.

Will the terror ever stop?


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