Chapter 2: Garden of shadows

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Chapter 2

The three has now reached the woods. It's dark. Emily was afraid of the darkness. The street lamps warm light couldn't reach the woods. She wanted to stop. She wanted to turn around and run straight back home. But her body wouldn't obay her mind. She wanted to cry and scream, but she couldn't.

Who were the man and the woman? Why did their song have this impact on Emily. Though even if she was scared, Emily felt excited at the same time, like she really wanted to know what was in the land of enchantment.

It was dark in the woods, but the man and the woman seemed to know exactly where to go.

They continued deeper into the woods, they continued to sing their song. Emily found herself wanting to sing along. And that's what she did. She sang along.

The darkness seemed go to become darker and darker, the further they walk into the woods, and the darkness became more and more suffocating. Yet, Emily wanted to continue, she wanted to see the land of enchantments. The deeper they went into the woods, Emily felt how she got more and more excited.

At last, by a stream glistening with clear blue water, was a cabin, standing in the middle of a garden, with bright green grass.

Emily started hearing laughter from children, but she also started hearing cries and screams, terrible screams from children. Emily got scared, but even more excited. Those were the only feelings she could feel. She knew she was not going to return home again. She knew that this is the place she's going to die. She knows that's what happened to all the other children, the man and the women has taken.

"Am I going to here?" Emily asked when they had stopped outside of the wooden gate.

"Oh little beautiful girl, why yes you are", the man says and opens the gate.

The man steps inside, the woman steps inside.

Now, Emily takes her first step into the garden of shadows. Her existens in the world has now been erased and she will forever only remain a memory to the once who knew her.

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