1. Christmas Kisses

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Ali's POV

"Lets go out." I suddenly announced.

"Babe, it's like 6am, plus I'm still in my PJ's," Justin complained. "Can we go out later? I'm still tired." He said before rolling over on his side of the king sized bed.

I wasn't having it, you'd think being eight months pregnant would give me the right to make crazy demands of my loving husband. Especially after I'd spent the last two weeks planning this weekends trip.

Justin had been so busy with the tour and us traveling all the time. I just wanted to do this one thing for him. And I know you're wondering, eight months pregnant? What? But yes, I'm pregnant. It happened unexpectedly about a month after we got back together. It wasn't part of any of the plans but just like us getting married, Justin reminded me that the best things sometimes happened unexpectedly.

So here I was pregnant and demanding that my husband get up so I could follow through with what I had planned. It was Christmas Eve and I was not about to let him spoil my surprise.

I pressed my hands on the bed on either side of him, my stomach touching his, with how big it had gotten. "Please, baby."

With a huge sigh, he rolled over before getting up. He rubbed my belly and placed his lips close to it. "I can't wait for you to get here, so mommy can stop bossing me around."

"Haha, it's only gonna get worse." I laughed. "Now go shower so we can leave."

I was already fully dressed in a baby blue maxi dress since I wanted to stay comfortable and cool. Justin had insisted I buy it when we went shopping together the other day so I bought one in every color they had.

"Where are we going this early?" Justin asked.

"Ummm...it's a surprise but you should probably dress up a bit."

"Huh?" He went to open his mouth to say something more but decided against it and just went to get dressed as I had requested. As I finished zipping up his carry on, bubbles of excitement built up within me. I couldn't wait for him to see what I had planned.

Since this would be our first Christmas together, Justin had decided that the two of us should spend it together, just the two of us. He insisted that he didn't mind not spending it with his family but I had a feeling he would miss them. This would be his first Christmas that he didn't spend with his family and I didn't want to take that away from him.

I knew he would never be expecting what I had planned but that just made me feel all the more excited about it.

"Should I take some clothes with me?" He asked peeking his head into the bedroom from the ensuite bathroom.

"Nope. I already packed for you."

His mouth fell open. "Did you remember to pack my underwear."

"Justin, what? Who do you think you're talking to?" Laughing at my insulted tone, he padded across the room and handed me his MacBook Pro, "Here, put this with my other stuff."

I took it from him as he gave me a curious looked. "Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Nope." I smirked. He just gave me a look but decided to go with it. "One last adventure before baby arrives?" He asked, then gave me a quick kiss on the lips then on my belly. "Mistletoe."

I looked up and realized we were standing just under the mistletoe he had placed over our bedroom door when we had decorated the house. Justin went crazy with all the Christmas decorations, he insisted we have the house decorated for our first Christmas in our new home.

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