6. Epilogue/Bonus Chapter

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*flashback to when Ali met Justin in Las Vegas...*

"I'm Ali, by the way. Thanks for getting me out of there. I didn't even see that security guy coming."

"It happens. Pretty dope how you stuck up for that waitress. She didn't deserve the shit my friends were giving her."

"Yea, they were being unnecessarily mean." I mused. He seemed like a nice guy. Why would he hang out with such assholes. I smiled up at him. "I feel like I should at least offer to buy you a drink or something, for saving my ass and all."

"It's ok."

"But—" I stopped and shook my head. "Oh, I'm so sorry. You probably want to get back to your friends. I don't want to start another fight, so I'll just—" I stepped away to indicate that I was leaving.

"No, not really,"

I bit my bottom lip between my teeth, starting to feel shy again. But still said. "Then I can buy you that drink after all."

"Isn't that my line?" He asked as a couple pushed passed us on their way inside the club, while we stared after them.

"I believe that I should buy you the drink." I said and sighed. "At least it's a bit quieter out here. I could barely hear myself think in there."

"That's kind of the point. Most people don't come go to clubs in search of stimulating conversation."

I glared at him. "I guess not."

"Lets go get a drink then."

We made our way to the another bar just down the strip. He led the way inside, finding us both seats at a booth.

A waitress appeared almost immediately to get our order. I ordered a rum and Coke, although I didn't normally drink anything stronger than coffee but it was my birthday and I already had a few drinks anyway, tequila shots to be exact, so why not. Justin asked for the same.

It was slightly quieter in the corner of the bar than the main area but I still had to move closer to him in order to hear him. As I did, the faint scent of his cologne tickled my nose. It suited him perfectly—just slightly exotic and very natural.

"So where are you from, Ali?"

It took me a second to get my mind back in the conversation after breathing in the scent of him. "Portland."

"What's it like there?" Justin's asked curiously.

"It rains a lot." I answered. Then I realized he never told me his name. "What's your name? I didn't ask and you didn't say."

He gave me a strange look.

"Justin." He responded. "Don't you know who I am?"

"Should I?" I laughed. "You aren't a well known serial killer or anything right?"

"No but this is a first." The look on his face was one of surprise. "I haven't not been recognized in a long time."

Justin's reaction to me not recognizing who he was, was a bit unexpected. Then I looked at him properly and recognized his face from the posters Kate used to have sprawled across her bedroom walls. The only difference was his sandy blond hair wasn't almost covering his eyes anymore and he had a little stubble on his chin.

"Oh my God! You're Justin....Bieber. My best friend Kate loves your music. She's gonna be so mad she wasn't here to meet you."

"What about you? Don't you like my music?"

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