3. Vegas Wedding

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After I woke up from my nap, Justin and I had room service bring us an early dinner, then we showered together. It was around five in the afternoon by then so I decided it was time to tell Justin where we were. He seemed contented just being with me, even though every now and then he would give me curious glances.

I guess he decided he was tired of waiting. Narrowing his eyes, he said, "What are you up to?"

"Nothing." I lied.


I padded over to the floor-to-ceiling window and opened the blinds, finally revealing the view to Justin. He looked out surprised at the uninterrupted view of the Strip.

"We're in Vegas?"

"Yes, I thought we could spend our first Christmas in the city that I met and fell in love with you."

"Awwww....baby, this is the best surprise."

"You like it?"

"I love it." He smiled his wide smile at me.

"Will you dance with me in front of the window?" I asked Justin, feeling silly and romantic.

"Anything you want."

Something in his voice made my heart melt. He came closer to me and held me in his arms. The both of us swaying to the music made by Justin as he sang one of his songs into my ear.

"Let's get married, Justin?" My heart pounding in my chest as I asked. "I promise to love and cherish you and be the best wife and mother to our child. I want to give you the wedding you deserve, a memory we both can share."

Unable to speak, Justin just nodded, his movement jagged.

A smile broke out over my face as Justin reached for my hand. Enfolding me in his arms again, he just held me and whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too," I managed to say, sniffling against him.

"I'm so happy," Justin whispered a little later. "This is the best surprise."

"It's not over yet." I wiped away my tears after tugging him into the bathroom so that I could dampen a facecloth and dab off the mascara that had run down my cheeks.

"I was thinking we could get married tonight?"

Justin's mouth fell open. "Tonight?" It came out as a squeak.

"We're in Vegas." I grinned up at him. "I already set everything up."

With my heart thumping, Justin smiled and replied. "Let's do it."

Reality intruded a heartbeat later as he said. "Wait, I kinda wanted our families to be there when we got married again."

"They're all here already, waiting for us." I smiled up at him. "I hoped you'd say yes."

Justin laughed. "My mom? Dad? Jaxon, Jazzy, Scooter and the guys?"

Eloping was wonderful, but I also wanted our family with us. I wanted to do it right this time.

"I told them I was going to surprise you," I said. "I needed their help to get you out of LA without a media tail."

Justin got teary eyed. "They all helped?" The love in his eyes evident.

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not."

I glanced over at the clock. "We're getting married again, this time I won't be too drunk to remember."

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