Chapter Two

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I pulled up to my parents' house in my dark blue Golf TDI. I had an apartment an hour away but my mum always insisted a stayed here a few times a week. Yeah yeah, I know. 19 years old and can afford a place of my own. Well that's what you get when the prize money comes in.

I stepped through the door and walked past the living room. I stopped in the doorway when I realised what my dad was watching, my TT win last year. I'm the youngest Senior TT winner to date, it was a great feeling, but by now it had worn off. I hate road racing, but I done that race to make my dad happy. Now I wanted more, on the circuit. I planned to be one of the best. World champion.

"You watching that again, dad?" I asked, coming into the living room. He looked up and smiled,
"Good to see you James! And yes I am." He laughed.
I rolled my eyes, "I'm going out to the garden if you need me." I said as I made my way down the hall and through the kitchen. I said hello to my mum on the way past but I'm not one for hugs and greetings. Out in the garden, I lifted the lighter up in front of my face and lit the cigarette that was between my lips. I sucked in the smoke, then slowly blew it out as I leant the back of my head against the shed.
"Fuck life" I sighed.

Just then, I heard my mother coming out to where I was standing.
"James Martin you know better than to use that filthy habit around this house! And that foul language!" She scowled.
"Mum, you and dad say it just as much as I do. Besides, this helps." I said, inhaling another breath of smoke.
"It doesn't help stress, James! It just damages cells in your body to think that it helps!" She replied, still scowling.
I threw the cigarette down in annoyance,
"Urgh! I'm just so stressed out, mum! Half my team have left me, I need multiple bikes tested and amplified and I have no one to do it for me! I have 3 major races coming up and I can't do it all on my own! Dad doesn't even help me!" I shouted.

Mum stood her ground,
"Your father helped you with everything until you threw a tantrum because he couldn't come to one of your races and purposely damaged one of his best trucks! James you are nearly 20 years old! People your age don't throw those stupid tantrums! Maybe if you got your head out of your own ass and stopped being a complete jerk to everyone that helps you, you wouldn't be in this situation!"

My dad came out at that point, confusion on his face.
"Hey hey what's going on out here? What's happened?" He asked. My mum shoved past him on her way into the house, crying her eyes out.
"What the hell have you done to your mother now?" He demanded.
"Go ask her if you care so much! I gotta go, I have to somehow gather a whole new team for the races next week!" I shouted, barging past him, through the house and slamming the front door behind me.

I drove home in a rage. How can they say that they did everything for me? They never did! Once I started circuit racing, my dad never helped me! He cared more about his trucks than his own son racing. Apparently just because I'm not a truck mechanic who road races means I'm 'not a true Martin'.
Whatever! I don't care what I have to say or do, or who I hurt along the way, I will be the best! And no one is going to stop me!

Don't Try To Stop Me - Sequel to 'Trust Is Everything' Where stories live. Discover now