Chapter Eight

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I sat up as the bike slowed and eventually stopped beside my team. I flipped my viser up and beamed at them. They all grinned back,
"I think that's the first we've seen you smile today!" Said Jack, everyone else laughed. I laughed too, and it felt good.

I swung my leg back as I got off the bike and handed it over to Jack. I walked round the side of the van, about to pull my helmet off, when a flash of yellow caught my eye. I looked up, and standing at the entrance of the track carpark was her. There she was, standing with her arms wrapped round herself, her long blonde hair blowing in the cold wind. She knew I was looking at her, but I didn't know how to react. I'd done my best to get her out of my head as she was just a reminder of my mum. But this odd feeling came over me, this warm intense feeling. It made my heart race and my whole body tingle. Before I knew it, I was marching across the carpark towards her. As I approached, she began to looked panicked. Like she didn't know what to do or what was going to happen. Yet she stood there, keeping eye contact with me as I strode ever closer to her. A few metres away, I quickly pulled my helmet off and held it with one hand. In my final stride, I reached out with my free hand and placed it at the side of her face. As my feet came together to stand in front of her, I kissed her. Our lips collided, hard. But soon turned soft as she kissed me back. My lips moved in unison with hers. Then, we pulled back. Our breathing was heavy, both of us were shocked at what had just happened. But then she smiled and looked to the ground. She began to lightly giggle, and so did I. We made eye contact again, both of us smiling. She was blushing, which only made me smile more.

She was the first to speak,
"I thought you hated me." She said quietly, looking at her feet again.
"So did I," I replied, "but I'm a changed man. And when I saw you here, it made me realise that I'm not supposed to forget you and pretend you never existed, I'm supposed to love you."
She looked shocked at what I'd just said, but then that shock turned into a smile. She threw her arms around me and hugged me. I put mine round her waist and hugged her tight. So this was it, this is how it was meant to be. I heard Jack calling for me over at the van. I took her hand and began walking back to the track. She stopped,
"What are you doing?" She asked, worried.
I looked at her, confused,
"I'm taking you to meet the boys. Come on, they've gotta meet the mystery girl." I smiled.
She smiled in response and walked beside me, hand in hand, to the van.

When we got back, everyone looked shocked and confused. After explaining everything, they welcomed her with open arms. Then I remembered something, I didn't know her name. As if he sensed the same thing, Jack turned to the girl,
"So what's your name?" He asked.
She paused, looked over to me and smiled,
"Ellen" She said.
Ellen. What an amazing name. I watched as she laughed with my team, she had such a gorgeous smile, and a contagious laugh. She was so beautiful. And now she was mine, I still couldn't believe it. It had all happened so fast, it was like a dream.


We fell through the front door together, lips connected. Feeling the wall rapidly for the light switch, we threw our bags across the hall and made our way upstairs. After tripping a few times, we finally made it into the main bedroom. She fell backwards onto the bed, pulling me down on top of her by my tshirt. We both stopped for a moment, breathing heavy, our hearts pulsating like crazy. The mood in the room settled to a passionate, electric atmosphere. As I began slowly kissing down her neck, she moaned quietly. She then began unbuckling my jeans and I let my fingers glide down the buttons of her blouse, undoing each one.

Once we were in nothing but our underwear, our lips made contact again, moving together so passionately. My hands made their way to her velvet-like pants, which slowly slid down her legs. As my hands then reached round her back, she took me by surprise by pulling down my boxer shorts. Our lips still connected, her hands then gently ran up my back, making my muscles tense and goosebumps rise on my body. I began kissing down her chest and stomach as she moaned louder. As I teased her, her hands grasped the bedsheets, wanting more. I came back up to meet her lips again. This time her hands ran down my stomach, and down further still, making me tense more. Her fingers danced along, she was trying to tease me. And it was working. Finally, she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down closer to her, our lips pressing harder against each other. As I entered her, she moaned against my lips, and began digging her nails into my back. I began thrusting harder, and her hands moved from my back to the bedsheets. She grasped the bedsheets once more as I knew she was reaching her climax. As she reached it, she let out another moan, but I silenced it with a captivating kiss as I too reached my climax.

I fell beside her on the bed, both of us out of breath. I watched her naked chest rise up and down before she rolled over onto her side and put one arm over my chest. She snuggled her head into my shoulder and soon I could tell she was fast asleep. I closed my eyes and smiled, I didn't want to wake up from this but I knew it wasn't a dream anymore. Besides, this was far better than any dream.

Don't Try To Stop Me - Sequel to 'Trust Is Everything' Where stories live. Discover now