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"Spider, I hope that's not a real bomb

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"Spider, I hope that's not a real bomb." Daniel groaned, just as he was let go.

He fell to the ground on his knees and his fianceé hastily pulled him up, gathering his body in her arms, backing away.

Spider gaped at the lot of them, "Yeah...you texted SOS, I didn't know whether to bring the blowtorch or the flamethrower, so I settled for the bomb. Chi Chi said it was most effective to cause a big explosion, and that would have caused a great distraction to get you all out of here right?"

There was an outburst of murmurs.

The fact that Spider knew how to get a hold of such weaponry was a bit frightening.

No, scrap that. It was petrifying.

"What the hell, Lilian. Leave me alone."

The poking to the ribs didn't stop though. Growing irritated Elijah moved as far away as he could.

He awoke with a loud groan, pulling on his utterly messy hair and rolled over to the other side of the bed; his feet dangled off the edge as he absent-mindedly gazed out of the window. The view from the dingy, little window was drab and dull; a monotonous row of small stores and a park where the young neighbourhood boys met up to play basketball.

Brooklyn was looking lifeless.

His apartment was about as good as it got in this area, and even then the entire complex was occupied by drug-dealers and single moms who couldn't afford to pay rent elsewhere. It made him feel guilty for even having more than one bedroom, and a kitchen that didn't look like it was infested by rats.

"Jameson. Get out of bed."

Elijah's sister jabbed him in the ribs once again and he spun around to shoot her a glare. She smirked proudly since her method of poking him with a wooden spoon was a smart move considering he'd woken up.

"I hate it when you call me Jameson, Lila." Elijah grumbled lowly, "Reminds me of that bastard."

"I know." Lila's voice trailed off, swallowing as she too started thinking of the bastard. She hated him with every fibre of her being. "You look like shit, you goof."

"That's nice," Elijah replied between yawns, "You don't look so great yourself."

Lila Blue rolled her eyes and held her hip with one hand, while the other held up the wooden spoon. Her hair was sticking up on all ends and her nose was shiny, she was trying out some new pore mask to treat her oily skin.

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