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Love was poison, at least that was what she had taught herself

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Love was poison, at least that was what she had taught herself. A sweet poison that would eventually kill you all the same. That was why people did crazy things for the people they loved no matter who wounded up hurt in the end.

It was becoming a regular occurrence, Bella waking up with nightmares, screaming, while beads of cold sweat rolled down her temples; Evalyn having to wake up in the middle of the night to rush into her room, to find her friend curled up in a ball of total dismay.

Evalyn had decided that it was better to just sleep by her now, it had been the fourth night she had been doing so, and to her surprise and relief Bella was slowly getting a grasp of her nightmares and emotions.

That night when Elijah had driven them both home he didn't even utter a bye, as he was apparently consumed in his own thoughts, his head leaning against the headrest.

"Thanks for dropping us off," Evalyn had said gratefully, "I'm sure you have questions about all of this. Do you want to come inside?"

Yet, he didn't respond, shaking his head in a better not motion, before he pulled away and left, leaving Evalyn to gape after him, while clutching onto Bella.

She understood then, that he was scared off, and didn't want anything to do with her; who would after all, when people were bound to get hurt being around her and her baggage.

Evalyn was now laying by her friend, staring at the ceiling, reminiscing the time when she went horse-riding with her parents and cousins in the Hamptons. It was a bittersweet memory, her first time and she had fallen off the horse countless times, cried over bruised knees at eight-years-old, yet giggled when her cousins spoke to the horses in a funny voice, scolding it for not going easy on her.

A great country singer had performed at the country club, she was slender, thin, with golden hair and a pearly grin that stunned young Evalyn. She'd sworn she wanted to be like her someday, a national singing gem.

"You can be anything you want to be," Jorgio had said to his daughter, "Anything at all, I know you're capable of making it big someday."

"Really?" Evalyn mused.

"Sure, sweetie." Selene had smiled softly.

Now she was a college graduate and back home with a thirst and hunger for cold revenge, dished out on a gold platter, unsure what her plans were.

"Hey," Bella's voice interrupted her thoughts, "I can't sleep."

"Maybe because it's only 8PM." Evalyn smirked, making out the roll of Bella's eyes in the dark, her hair protected by a silk scarf wrap, just like hers.

"I thought after watching the Godfather trilogy, and eating a shit-load of cake we would be tired." Bella sighed.

"Apparently not," Evalyn laughed, heartily, "Thanksgiving is around the corner, you know? Are you planning on spending it with your family?"

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