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I was fucking shocked at Edwards Attitude, he was just acting like that because Taishmara was their ughh fucking bitch , and she still calls him "Baby" in front of me.
*Knock Knock*
Alondra: Heeyyy Abdiel what are you doing here?
Abdiel: Can i come in?
Alondra: Sure.
Abdiel: Vero told me that you know who Edward Had sex with...?
Alondra: with Taishmara right?
Abdiel:yes, but please dont tell him i told you...please
Alondra: Dont worry i wont, why tho like whats the big deal
Abdiel: Edward knows my past and he can tell everyone
Alondra: Well you can tell me, you csn trust me
Abdiel: ummm no sorry i just cant...
Alondra: I understand
*Knock knock*
Abdiel: you expecting someone?
Alondra: mm..no
*opens door*
Edward: Hello Abdiel your just exactly the one i needed to talk to
Alondra: Im sorry but me & my boyfriend are leaving to the movies right now so actually he cant have a talk with you. Sorry Eddy
Edward: I got time later on, ill keep waiting if i have to

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