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Edward's eyes got watery as Taishmara told him the news....
Edward: What?!?? You kidding right
Taishmara: Im sorry Edward, i have no idea how my mom found out
Edward: Its...it was just a little baby, its not his/her fault
Taishmara: i know Edward...we cant tell anyone about this...
Edward: Of course not
*They both hugged each other*
*Ring Ring*
Taishmara: Ugh its a text from my mom...i have to go
Edward: ok baby
Taishmara: i love you babe
°Back To Abdiel & Alondra°
Abdiel: I hope you liked the movie
Alondra: i hope we can do this again, i had a lot of fun with you
*Abdiel grabbed her waist and pulled her closer*
Alondra: Abdiel no, not now....
Abdiel: i understand. Im sorry
Alondra: Its ok its just that im confused
Abdiel: Ok well i'll take you home now
Alondra: Thanks
*While they get to Alondra's Hotel room She invited him in*
Alondra: Wanna come in?
Abdiel: Sure
Edward: Hey guys!
Alondra: What the fuck are you doing here
Abdiel: i better go now
Alondra: No, Edwars is the one leaving here, get the fuck out!
Edward: Damn.... Bye then
Abdiel: ummm
Edward: Bye Abdiel, see ya tomorrow

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