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Abdiel & Alondra head to the movies after Edwards bitchy attitude.
Abdiel: Thanks for saving me from that moment
Alondra: Hey? What are heros for?
They both laugh
Alondra: Can i ask you about what Edward means..?
•Abdiel's eyes got watery•
Abdiel: Please dont tell anyone...
Alondra: Of course i trust you
Abdiel: when i was like 8-9 years old, i was kidnapped
Alondra: Omg abdiel....
Abdiel: I was Abused &....& i....i was raped...
Alondra: omg abdiel im so sorry i..i dont know what to say..
Abdiel: & Edward's uncle had something to do with it, but hey the movie is about to start, why dont we head in?
Alondra: ok...just know that im here for you if you need someone to talk to
Abdiel: Thank you..
•Abdiel hugs Alondra•
*Mean while, back at Edwards house he had invited Taishmara to Watch some netflix*
°Taishmara came crying to Edward°
Edward: Whats wrong??
Taishmara: My mom made me abort the baby

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