Chapter 2: Kinks, Bumps and Friendship Dumps

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             "Class you are dismissed, Please complete the homework assignment that I gave you and have a wonderful day" Mrs Benson said as she waved us out of the door

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             "Class you are dismissed, Please complete the homework assignment that I gave you and have a wonderful day" Mrs Benson said as she waved us out of the door. I practically ran through the door dragging my almost empty backpack behind me. I heard my ringtone ring off while I was in the hall and I almost didn't answer it because I was getting hype to my favorite song (Black Beatles) of course. I read it out loud, "Meet me behind the school,Maya's freaking out and we need to settle this ASAP." I always hate it when she does that, I dont like to get in the middle of arguments between people no matter who it is. But I still got in the back of the school and would you believe what i saw?

               Arms were flying and hair was being pulled and it seems as though the whole school was out recording including the teachers. I hung my head in shame as i caught a glance at Mrs. Benson laughing at how badly Layla was being beaten. It looked as though she'd been through world war two and Maya was about to finish her off with a brutal punch. I stepped in as i heard somebody yell, "Sharkeisha nooo!". "woah woah woah woah woahhh!" I said trying to break them apart before Maya's fist got to make contact with Layla's face . The air is tense and no one is saying a word so i broke the silence, "What happened to best friends whenever." They both looked at me with water coming from their eyes like a leaking faucet, drip drip drip. They both said that they would never speak to each other again then they turned my way as though they were waiting or a response. Then the next thing i know they're telling me to choose, "It's either you come with me or go with her." they both say. I don't know what to do, so i stand there frozen as though the time had stopped wishing that i could crawl in a hole and die. They both got mad at me and they each gave me back the part of the three piece friendship bracelet i gave them.

                 For the rest of the day i went through class sat down in my boring old chair took out my phone and looked at my whatsapp, no messages

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                 For the rest of the day i went through class sat down in my boring old chair took out my phone and looked at my whatsapp, no messages. I dont understand how we can go from promising to be best friends forever to being mad at each other on the the day we've been waiting for our whole entire lives. I remember when we all first met in summer camp about  2 years ago. It wasn't pretty or as you would imagine best friends meeting but I remember it and treasure it like it was yesterday. Tears come to my eyes as I had that flashback and everybody's staring at me like i'm crazy but I don't care. As soon as i got out of that place i started to run, I didn't know where i was going but I knew one thing and that was that i wanted to get as far away from that place as possible.

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