Chapter 2- Clean Up

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**** Camry P.o.v ***

I looked around the place. I couldn't believe I was just in here last night parting and drinking and dancing with my girls having a blast and today im in here with investigators and homicide watching them work.

Marco asked me to come here with him today.

I didn't even want to tell him I was here last night.

" So how many bodies were found all together ? " I ask the detective looking around...I'll never forget this sight. Blood stained the floors and everything was broken and bottles and things were everywhere along with bar stools and and heels. Saying CRAZY would be an major understatement.

" We recovered 16 bodies. But im sure its more then that and a few are missing..along with who are shooters are. This was an group act for sure. No one could have pulled this off alone " He explains.

" Do you have any suspects ? " I ask.

" Not at the moment. I've been here since 2am last night..I've tried to go out at 9 am this morning and find witnesses..I've got nothing...But im giving up, Officer. Believe going to find this animal "

" Was there a motive ? " Marco ask.

" Haven't figured that out either...we really have nothing but a ruined club and a bunch of bodies and blood " Another dective spoke up gaining the eye from the lead dective on the case who im guessing took offense to that statement.

" We're getting somewhere " He corrects.

" I belive you. You don't fail me " Marco spoke. I eyed him because just last week he was saying and I quote " The homicide dectives are a bunch of morons. Like fucking seriously, i could find the fucking killers for you. Your playing wheres waldo with the damn cases "

So right now he's fronting.

" Exactly...we should get back to work " They say. They moved away continuing conversation without waiting for an reply.

" Thought you didn't like homicide " I tease folding my arms across my chest as we made our way to the exit.

" I don't, Believe me. But I couldn't be rude and tell'em their a bunch of slacking ass motherfuckers could I now, beautiful " He asked pinching my cheeks. I swat his hand away.

" I hate when you do that shit " I tell him.

" Yeah, but you loved it when I did that one thing with my tongue and I swirled it " He licked his thick bottom lip with a smile making the dimple in his cheeks deepen. I rolled my eyes.

" Umm Marco..i mean Mr. Swan can we speak a moment ? " Christa comes up.

" Yeah. Coleman be back " He walks away.

' I won't be here when you do ' I thought to myself walking out the doors. I dusted off my white tee shirt and jeans. I oppted not to wear my uniform but keep my badge on a chain on under my shirt.

The place was blocked off with yellow police tape that I had to go under.

" Bye, Coleman " I wave and walk towards my BMW. I unlocked it and got in pulling out. I wanted to go check on Lia ass because she texted me a few moments ago talking about she needed to speak to me about last night she was scared.

She didn't live too far from here. It took me 10 minutes to pull up to her house. It was a small 3 bedroom place she shared with her cousin Benny. Ol nappy headed ass nigga I tell you.

I swear it don't matter what time a day or what day you come. People are coming and going and they getting live.

I parked the car and got out locking it behind me..Even after all these years..still don't trust it.

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