Author's Note/Story Warning

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Hey everyone! This is my first time every writing a story/book. Yay! I will try to post new chapters once or twice a month. But I cannot promise anything. I'm not very good at writing or anything like that so.... :/. But oh well what the heck! Help me out please, if you see something spelled wrong please tell me. Thanks! The first chapter should be out by Monday so Yay. {Edit: I changed my mind. Let's get some few chapters in tonight.} Again. Lol. Chapters will probably be short. Sorry :< Oh and quick side note, dreams, thoughts, and journal entries are in this "font". Mkay. I think that's all for now.

My story's may include crude scenes/settings, mild language, and mature scenes/settings,  you have been warned. If you don't know what crude means, look it up. There will be no smut. So don't worry about that :). By mature I meant language, actions, etc. 

So I hope you all enjoy and Goodbye for now!
*inserts smiling cat emoji*

(Oh p.s. the picture is one of my favorite quotes. ^^)

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