What they don't know

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"And that's what happened." I said before sipping on my ginger ale.
"You're kidding? That can't be it."
"Nope. That's what happened word for word." I look around at the small crowd of men. "Told by yours truly."
"Well then what happened afterwards?" One of the men asked in the back. "How come the wolves didn't get you?"
"Yeah? What about the wolves?"
"What about em'?" I ask and set my glass down.
"How did you escape them?" someone asks quietly.
I laugh. "That's funny." Watches the men look at me in confusion. "The answer is simple. I didn't." The men around me look on in amazement.
"You didn't?..."
"No of course not." I quietly laugh at their stupidity. "I had no reason too." The men stare at me in shock and then turn and whisper to each other.
"Is this him?"
"I heard that the wolves obey him."
"What? I heard that the wolves guard him."
"Yeah that's what I heard."
"What's going on?" I asked louder than I needed to. "What are you all whispering about?" One of the men quietly ask a simple question. And yet I find it hard to answer.

"Are you Fangsong?"

  I don't think I've ever ran out of a tavern that fast. And yet here I am, sprinting through the woods heading who knows where. "Their dumb. Their dumb. Their dumb." Maybe if I keep saying it I'll believe it. After running as fast as I could through the dark forest, I come to a river. "This looks like an okay place to rest" I say while panting.  
 That night I made a fire and sharpened some of my tools. The night sky is beautiful. Each star glimmering more than the other, all surrounding the full moon. Later that night when I went to bed between the two branches of an oak, I had a bad dream.

 "Mother, what is this used for?" The small voice of a child squeaked.
  "That my love, is used for when you have an upset tummy." She says as she pokes the child's belly.
 "Mother that tickles." The small child squeals with laughter. The mother laughs and keeps walking through the woods.
  "Come child, we should get back to the village before dusk."
  "Yes mama." The mother looks down at her young one and grabs its hand. They walked together to the edge of the woods. The kid stopped to pick a flower and ran to catch up, only to see his mother frozen in place. "Mother... what's wrong?" He walks up to her and looks out at the village. It was in flames, the whole village. There were men dressed in red, riding on horses with torches in their hands.
  "Don't let anyone live!" A gruesome man calls from his horse.
  "Mama!" The young boy pulls on his mother's hand. But she wouldn't move. Instead she stood there looking out at the village, tears in her eyes, the orange light flickering across her face. He looked out at the village to see a man being pulled and thrown around by one of the soldiers. The man punched one of them in the face. With a sword raised in hand, the soldier was prepared to bring it down upon him. But the man didn't run, he stood there proud.  
The soldier struck. The small boy's mother screamed and ran out at the men. And he watched as his mother was slain and thrown aside as if she didn't matter. 

 "NO!" I jumped awake sweating and breathing hard. "No, no, no, no, no, no..." I rub my eyes and take a deep breath. I remember everything. The scars that ran along his twisted smile, the blood on his hands, the murderous look in his eyes. I shudder just think about it and go to move only to forget that I was in a tree. "Ahh!" I fall, but instead of falling and hitting the ground I land on something that collapses underneath me. She yelps when I hit her. I'd know that yelp anywhere. "Nikitara?!" 
 "Get Off!" she snarls under her breath.
  I tumble off and look at her in shock. "What the hell are you doing here? Where are the others?" I add looking around for the rest of them. She shakes her fur out and glares at me.
  "Their hiding out in the woods that way." She says and points with her nose to the west. I sigh and look up at the sky. 
 "Why on earth did you guys follow me?" I turn and glare at her with my icy blue eyes. Nikitara snorts and starts to walk away. "Hey! You didn't tell me why."  I say and start to follow her. She whips around to face me.
  "Because you're an insufferable brat, who can't take care of himself, and would be better off as a chew toy for the pups!" she snarls at me.
 "Well that was a bit cold of you." I jokingly say. She doesn't turn around, just keeps walking. "I'm sorry..."
  "I don't care for your apologies." Nikitara says as she picks up her pace. I grab my bag and made sure the fire from the night before was fully put out.  
"So where are we heading?" 
 "You're an idiot. We are going to the pack."

AN: Oh My Stars! This chapter was soooo bad. I'm so sorry. I couldn't find the motivation because it's very late where I live and I'm exhausted. Bleh. Got to keep writing though.

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