new york eyes 2

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the new neighbors were pretty cool. the boy, patrick, was just pretty. real pretty.

his blue eyes shined whenever he smiled and his blonde hair was a mess.

and I gave him my number.

"pete, honey, come downstairs! the neighbors will be here any minute!"

crap. I forgot about them coming over for dinner.

mom said we couldn't do pizza, that patrick couldn't eat it and that she refused to serve new neighbors pizza take out. whatever.

so she this whatever type dish instead.

I got downstairs just as the doorbell rang and mom told me to answer it.

"hi! come on in," I say and move so they can walk in.

patrick was wearing black jeans jeans, a fedora, glasses and a cute pastel blue sweatshirt that complimented his blond hair and blue eyes and pale skin.

I smile and lead them into the dining room where mom is setting up spots to put the food.

"hi, patricia!" she beams. "hi patrick!"

he waves shyly as our moms share a hug. women.

mom moves over and wraps patrick in a hug, whispering something in his ear and he nods and gives her a sad smile.

I furrow my eyebrows and look towards my mom for an answer. she just shrugs.

I sigh and sit down and tell patrick and his mother to sit where they'd like just as my dad comes down stairs.

"patrick! patricia!" he exclaims. "its nice to see you two again!"

"same to you, peter!" patricia says and shakes my dad's hand. "how kind of your family to have us over."

"oh, its nothing. we appreciate you coming. here. let's sit. dale do you need any help in the kitchen?"

"if pete and patrick could help bring the food to the table that'd be great," my replies.

I motion for patrick to follow me and we go into the kitchen and pick up plates of food and we bring them to the dining room table.

"so how old are you patrick?" dad asks once we all get seated and start serving our plates.

"I'm seventeen."

"oh that's nice. pete is eighteen. what school are you going to?" dad asks.

I see a look of panic on Patrick's face for a moment as he looks to his mom. what is it?

"uh... I homeschool him so he doesn't go to public school," she says.

"oh really? what's homeschooling like?"

"uh its uh... its cool I guess. I mean I don't really know. its school," patrick stammers.

"hm interesting." dad stops to chew his food. he talks too much. "so patricia do you work?"

"I do. I have a part time job. my mother sends us money to pay for patrick's che- to pay for patrick's schooling and such," she says.

patrick looks down at his plate and pushes the food around, not really eating.

I lean over and nudge him a little. he looks up at me.

"are you okay?" I whisper as our parents carry on their conversation.

"I'm okay for now," he Answers. I frown. for now?

"so uh are you excited about going around town tomorrow?"

"uh sure," patrick says and pushes food around more. "do you have a music store here?"

"yeah we do! I work at it during the summer and sometimes on weekends when they get busy," I answer and he looks happy now.

he smiles and takes a bite of his food. that makes me smile, that he actually eats.

"do you play an instrument?" I ask him.

"yeah I used to play drums and guitar," he shrugs. "mom said I was amazing but eventually I had to stop."

"why? and I'm sure you were amazing."

"eh. maybe. and uh... I got too weak," he says quietly and shrugs again.

"oh..." I say and try to figure why he could've gotten so weak he couldn't play. he didn't seem to like talking about it so I guess I'll have to leave it to my imagination for now.

"how about you?" he asks and takes a sip of his water.

"I play the bass and some regular guitar. I'm better at bass though. and I play piano too. but honestly I'm only good at bass and oh my god I'm rambling," I rush out.

he smiles and laughs. "its okay. and I actually play the piano too. I think I play a few other instruments but I can't really remember actually," he says sadly and scratches his head in thought.

"I'd love to hear you play sometime. you've got thin fingers so I'm betting your amazing at it!" I beam and his smile returns.

"thank you."

"no problem."

"do you have a piano?" he asks as he eats another bite.

"uh I think so. why?"

"I figured we could both give it a try? if you wouldn't mind, I-I mean-"

"sure. that'd be cool but we have to ask my parents if its okay. we don't really use the music room much.." I say.

"oh okay. and is it okay if I ask why?" he asks cautiously.

"I uh.. yeah. my brother and sister used to love music and they spent most of their free time in that room. but uh.. they're gone now. they were killed in a car accident..."

I look over at patrick and he's near tears. I give him a small smile. "it's okay. it happened four years ago. I'm sure we could use the room though. hey mom?"

mom pauses talking and looks over. "yes dear?"

"do you mind... is it okay if we use the music room?" I ask and bite my lip.

"yes," mom sighs and hands me the key to the room to me. "don't be long in there, okay?"

"yes ma'am," I say and stand up. "come on patrick."

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