new york eyes 3

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turns out I was still good at piano.

pete was amazed at how "gracefully my fingers moved over the tiles and played the songs perfectly."

he played pretty well himself but I don't think he thought so. I wish he did, he was great.

after we played piano we went back to the dining and played some board games with my mom and his parents.

once we left his house I collapased onto the couch. I was still hungry since I didn't eat much but I was honestly worn out.

anything seems to wear me down lately.

I think its the chemo. I had another treatment the week before we came here so I think I'm just recovering from it still.

"hey bub," mom says and sits down next to me. I look over and she has a bowl of popcorn.

"can I have some?" I ask and she nods so I grab a handful from it.

"do you wanna watch supergirl or once upon a time?" mom asks and turns the TV on.

"withlever ish fine," I mumble through a mouthful of popcorn.

"patrick," mom scolds.

"sorry," I say once I swallow. "whichever is fine."

"okay so how about supergirl? we have more episodes of that we're behind on," she says and puts it on.

she hands me the bowl of popcorn when she eats half and I start eating the other half.

"yes! kiss kiss kiss kiss!" I yell.

once the show is over, I kiss mom goodnight and head up to my own room.

"night mom!"

"night patrick! sleep well."


(timeskip, two months)

patrick was really cool. we were hanging out at the mall. he'd been wanting to buy some cds and I was planning on buying him something from hot topic, he said his birthday is soon.

"fye is my favorite store, I think. hot topic is pretty cool, too. but I buy alot of cds and posters from fye so I'm gonna be coming here alot," he chuckles.

"um.. this is probably gonna come out weird and stuff but... what's your opinion on.. uh... sexualities other than straight?" I ask, nervously pulling on jeans.

"well..." he starts out. "I'm gay so I don't really have anything against it," he shrugs and smiles at me nervously.

"really?! I'm bisexual!" I beam.

he nods excitedly and grabs my hand and pulls me down an aisle towards the store entrance. "can we do a photo booth?"


"yay!" he claps his hands and starts to get out his wallet but I stop him and hand him some of my money. he takes it reluctantly and pays for the booth and we get in. "funny faces first!" he yells.

I pull him into a hug and pose as if I'm gonna lick his cheek and he makes a funny disgusted face, looking at the camera.

we quickly do regular smiles for the camera, our arms wrapped around each other's shoulder.

once that one takes we both put our hands under our chins, leaning towards each other and smiling at each other.

for one of the last ones we just did another regular one.

we turn and look at each other, and our noses bump together, our lips barely touching. the camera flashes.

did I just kiss him?

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