|The Fighter|

653 10 138

Name: "It's Jay, a'right?" ((Jaylen Mali))

Gender: "Are you kidding me? Geez, get a life." ((Female))

Age: "Uh, sixteen." ((16))

Species: "Mkay, you're dumb." ((Human))

Appearance: "Yeah, no." ((Media))

Personality: "What? Me? Get on my nerves and I'll kick your butt t'ill you land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. ((Rude, unappreciative, pessimistic, short-tempered, can be nice if she wants to, but it most likely won't last long))

Backstory: "Yeah, like I'm telling you." ((She lives a pretty ordinary life, her sister <Her name is Janet, she's married and has one child, her name is Sophia> left the house because she got married. Her parents are divorced, though, so she goes to her mom's house on some days and to her dad's house on some days.))

Powers: "I can shoot a rifle. Good enough? Yeah, it was on a military base with my father, don't get the wrong idea." ((None))

Job: She scoffs. "What's with these questions?" ((Her dad was in the army, so she aspires to be a trainer for the troops when she grows up))

Other: "Uh-uh." ((She's secretly really smart, but doesn't like to be smart so she acts dumb around people. She also loves to fight and can throw a hard punch. However, she's not very talented in fashion choice, nor kindness))


1. You got paired up with Jay for a History project that you both had to complete for the next two weeks. She was at her desk, drawing something on a piece of loose leaf paper.

2. Make your own up!

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