|The Star Who Can't Shine|

595 14 152

Name: "Jackson. Why?" ((Jackson Alleni))

Gender: His eyes widen. "What kind of question?" ((Male))

Age: "I'm almost twenty." ((19))

Species: He raises an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" ((Human))

Appearance: "Wh-What? Is it bad!?" He asks. ((Media))

Personality: "Direct. Noted." ((Very insecure. He doesn't trust many people. He gets easily stressed over the smallest of things. He is a sweet guy overall, though, but that's closed off by his quick-acting attitude. He can't fight for himself or other people, so he's vulnerable. He doesn't like socializing or communicating because he feels awkward doing so.))

Backstory: "Why would this matter?" ((His mother isn't very active in his life. She's basically just like a maid who works in the house and cooks meals.
His father, on the other hand, is a very upbeat man. His father plays piano and is currently trying to teach it to his son. Jackson himself does not want to learn piano, but that's not his decision. Just recently, his father applied him into a music academy, not an actual college Jackson was hoping for. Jackson has to learn how to play piano, sing, and dance in order to pass the application process to the music academy. Jackson doesn't even want to try learning anything related to music, he'd rather fail. He breaks down under the pressure of the music and finds it as nothing but a waste of time))

Powers: "Things like that don't exist." ((None))

Job: He nods. "I work at the library." ((Library))

Other: "Who are you, though?" ((Nothing))


1. You were going to the library for a quiet time to work on composing your songs. Although, when you sit down, murmuring can be heard nearby.

2. Make your own up!

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