|Your Son|

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***No incest please, thank you.

Name: "Eh? You're the one who gave it to me!" ((<Make his name up!>))

Gender: "Okay, I really hope you're just playing with me." ((Male))

Age: "My birthday was last week..." He chuckles. ((17))

Species: "Pretty sure I'm human. Unless you're some kind of mysterious specie in disguise." He shrugs. ((<He can be human, but if your OC is not human, he will be partly what your OC is>))

Appearance: "Oh, come on!" ((Media))

Personality: "You raised me to be charming." He smiles proudly. ((Humorous, happy usually, but can get very upset quickly. He likes to make others happy and often forgets about himself. He's anti-social, leaving him stereotyped as 'the weird one' in his senior classes. He is not that intelligent in school, but surely tries to be better. He is determined to bring his grades up, but when it comes to taking quizzes/tests, he panics due to his anxiety))

Backstory: He raised an eyebrow. ((<Follows up with your OC's backstory>))

Powers: "I want to have wind powers..." He chuckles. "That'd be awesome. I'd be shooting everyone back with wind." ((None, unless your OC has passed down any))

Job: "The music store, remember?" ((Music store))

Other: He simply smiles. ((He plays the piano and has anxiety, but only rarely has the actual anxiety attacks))


1. <Your son's name> had been practicing for a piano performance for months, and was very excited to perform a solo this evening. You as well were happy and promised to see him play, but an abrupt job offer came up at the exact same time the recital was. The offer would give you so much more in your paycheck, and you couldn't just give up an opportunity like this. You went over to his room and knocked, nervous to tell him you can't be there tonight.

2. Make your own up!

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