Chapter 4

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Fujiwara Yui's POV

Its been a week since I became the coach of the first string.Eventhough they're good,they're not easy to handle especially Aomine-kun and Kise-kun.They always complain why is the training hard.Aomine-kun's problem is he is not following my orders and I hate it but since Akashi-kun is the captain and I'm the coach we even gave him different punishments.Now lets go back to the current happenings on earth.

"Okay class let me remind all of you.We'll be having our monthly examinations next day and take note for those students who won't be able to pass you will be force to attend supplementary class on Saturday.That's all goodbye class!"sensei announced and everyone gasped at the news they heard

Whaaaat!?what if someone from the members of the first string failed this exam?what should I do?I have arranged their training menus already and they have a practice match on Saturday?waaaahhh why now of all times?TTATT

"Goodbye sensei!"my classmates except me said in unison and there sensei wondered off to who-knows-where

(a/n:sorry I'm too lazy to think of a certain teacher's name)

After sensei disappeared, I have been thinking what strategy should I use to have to make those guys especially that AHOmine and Kise-kun

Ah!! Yes that method!!good thing I remembered it.Maybe I could ask Satsuki-chan about their phobias.Hehehe +O+ this method may not be related to basketball but I could use it to help them with their phobias.

So I better ask Satsuki-chan now.I talked to Satsuki-chan

"Ne Satsuki-chan could you tell me what is the phobia of each member of the first string?"I asked innocently

"Oh sure no problem!but why would you asked for their phobias?"She replied

"Promise me first that you are not going to tell them about this"I said

"Of course you can count on me"she said so I close the gap between our faces and put my mouth near her ears

"I plan to use those phobia of them so that they will always remember to study and pass each of their exams"I whispered to her

"That sounds great let me join too"She beamed

"Okay!now tell me their phobia"I said

"Okay for Midorin will be cats,for Ki-chan worms,for Dai-chan bees and ghosts,for Mukkun crows but for Tetsu-kun and Akashi-kun I don't know since they're the silent type of people"she stated

"Oh! Its alright since those two are not the problem but it is Kise-kun and Aomine-kun"I assured her

"I'm going to tell you about the plan"she nodded and listened as I tell her about the plan but someone suddenly talked behind my back

Akashi Seijuro's POV(The first POV of akashi after 3 chapters FINALLY =0=~3)

As the teacher went out of the classroom after announcing that the monthly examinations will be next day,everybody is busy panicking about the exam.TSK why would I care about this exam when its just so easy.Its our break time right now so there's no teacher here.

I noticed Yui talk to Satsuki about something probably for this coming exam.Yes you read it right I call her Yui because I want to got any problem?•gets scissors and snip snip•

So I went to them and ask

"What are you talking about?" I asked more like a command though =______=

Satsuki and Yui flinched and look at me like they saw a ghost

""Satsuki tried to answer but failed to do so because Yui cut her off

"Ah we're just talking about studying together"Yui said but I know she's lying

"Liar,I demand the truth.This is not a request but a command if you don't obey me I'll punish you"I threatened them

"Punish?then what punishment?I don't remember breaking any school rules and if you punish your coach then you should just be the coach since it is a form of disrespect you know"Yui stated while smirking.Urgggh!she right so I have no choice but to use 'that' method

So I get my scissors on my pocket and point it at her neck and it made everyone look at us with their face pale as they saw the scene.There serves you right.You wanna know what is her reaction?She's now shivering at the scissors pointed at her neck.

"O-okay fine I'll tell you so put away your scissors first"she said so I put my scissors back to my pocket still shivering a little.

"Now speak!"I demanded

"Its just I'm going to use everyone's phobia as punishment if ever they fail this incoming exams that is to ensure they will study and pass the next exam"She explained.Heh!so she thought that kind of thing.Interesting!

"Oh so that's what it is!Do as you wish I totally agree with it and don't worry I won't tell it to them"I said still amused by her idea so there's a smirk plastered on my face then I walked away

Third person's POV

-Afternoon Practice-

"Now everyone we won't be having practice for today and tomorrow it is for your studies since monthly examinations are near BUT if you don't pass the exams I'll punish you"Yui announced and the team sweatdropped at the thought of Yui giving them another one hell of a training

"Ehhh!?another one hell of training again!!!"Kise reacted but Yui just giggled at him

"No"Yui said which made the team sighed in relief

"No I won't give one hell of a training because it is only for the whole team and if a give you again a one hell of a training it would be unfair for those who pass so I will be giving different punishment for those who fail and that punishment will be the worst and it repeat again and again if you fail each and every exam,GOT IT?"Yui said in cheerful voice at first but change to a warning tone at the end with a glare ay her team

"Yes ma'am!"the team,except Akashi,Kuroko and Murasakibara(who is busy munching his snacks),replied with matching salute like the one military soldiers used when they greet someone in the camp with a higher rank

"Good!•giggles•then you are dismissed"Yui announced as she run of to who-knows-where then the team went to the locker room to change

Fujiwara Yui's POV

-A day after the monthly examinations-

Right now I'm walking my way towards our classroom but why are they staring at me like there's no tomorrow Huhuhu TTvTT

As I continue my walk towards our classroom,I heard a very loud shriek.

"YUI~CHAAAAANNN"Satsuki-chan shouted

"What is it Satsuki-chan?Taku~so early in the morning and your shouting already"I said

"Hehehe :P I'm sorry but please come with me for a while"she said and grabbed my hand and dragged me to who-knows-where before I replied

She kept dragging me somwhere I don't know until she stopped and I notice we're at the bulletin board where the students ranking in the exams are posted.

"Ne ne Yui-chan look at that"She said and pointed at rankings for our class

"Okay okay"I answered boredly then look at what she pointed

"•gasp•I-I can't—"I couldn't finish what I wanted to say because she cut me off

"Can't believe what you're seeing aren't you?"she asked and I nodded

I-i can't believe it! that...



Okay Cut!!

Everyone I'm sorry for not updating faster.I hope you enjoy reading this!!

By the way,thanks for reading,voting and adding this story.I really thank you.

I can't wait for the count down for the new year later!!

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