My Baby Girl

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Your's POV

You never thought this day would come and you prayed it never would but here you are, sitting on your bathroom floor, that damn tiny stick in your hand. You were pregnant. It hadn't quite sunken in yet. Thoughts were running through your brain a million miles a minute. How were you gonna tell J? What were you going to do with it? Well you wanted to keep of course, you may be a stone cold killer any other day but even though this isn't even a human by any means yet it was something you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. You figured that you may as well just get it over with an tell him and face the consequences. He was off at work for the next couple hours, giving you time to plan your speech on how to tell him you were pregnant and that you were going to keep it no matter what he said.
"Alright J I have something to tell you. I'm pregnant. No that sounds dumb. J we're having a baby! No no that's ridiculous. J we have created life. What the fuck who says that?" you argued with yourself in the mirror. You decided to lay down and have a quick nap to clear your head a little bit. You laid in bed, eyes wide open, unable to sleep. You heard the front doors slam and you shot up, scared about what was about to come.
"Y/N I'm home," he yelled throughout the house. You made your way downstairs to greet the green haired man. "How was your day baby? Did you get wild and crazy?" He winked at you. You smiled and shook your head. Now or never I guess? You thought to yourself.
"J there's something I gotta tell you and I don't think you're going to like it very much..." your voice trailed off. His smile dropped and he looked at with with a deathly serious look. He nodded for you to proceed. "I'm pregnant."
As soon as the words left your mouth he had you pinned against the wall behind you.
"You're lying Y/N. Don't fucking lie to me like that," he muttered in a dangerously low voice. Your closed your eyes to prevent your from crying.
"I'm not lying J..." You muttered.
"Then why the fuck are we here? I'm driving you to the clinic right now. Get in the car," he said quickly, turning away to walk out to the car. You grabbed his wrist lightly so he would turn around and face you.
"No J. I'm keeping it. I don't care what you do. I'm keeping it. Kick me out, do whatever your please, but I'm keeping it." You were impressed that your voice had remained relatively strong and that you hadn't let him get to you too much. You ran your hand over your flat tummy. You weren't stupid, you knew that there wasn't really anything in there but it gave you an idea of where you would be in 9 months time. You were terrified of what he would do to you but you hoped he wouldn't be too hard on you.
You felt cold metal press against your forehead and knew immediately what he was going to do. You closed your eyes and waited for the loud bang but it never came. He growled and lowered his weapon.
"I want nothing to do with it. If you're keeping it I don't want any part of it. It's yours, not mine," he said angrily. You fell to the floor, the rush of being that close to the end of your life made you crash. You were alive, so was your future baby. You breathed a loud sigh of relief and leaned against the wall behind you. It broke your heart to hear those words but you took it for what it was worth and reminded yourself that it was going to be okay eventually.
It had been 5 months since you had told J that you were pregnant. He spent so long refusing to acknowledge what was happening. Each day it seemed that your belly grew more and more and you were finally showing.
The most significant change though was J's attitude towards the whole thing. He was slowly becoming more and more accepting of the baby. He was starting to compliment you again, his anger seemed to start dissipating with every passing day.
"J?" You called.
"Yes beautiful?" He replied. You smiled at the compliment and he followed your voice, coming towards you. You smiled down at your belly and lifted your head to smile at him. He didn't seem especially pleased that you had called him over for something that he found so insignificant.
"J can you please touch my belly at least once? It would mean a lot to me. I know you don't want anything to do with this and I accepted that a long time ago but could you please do this for me? She's my little baby girl and I want you to briefly be apart of this," you begged. He stared at you showing no emotion on your face whatsoever. Your face lit up as he reached for your stomach. You grabbed his hand lightly and put it against your belly. At that moment you felt her kick against the inside of your body. He looked up at you in momentary shock.
"She kicked," he stated simply, looking up into your eyes.
"Yea that's the first time! It's so weird-"
"She did it when I touched your stomach," he interrupted. His eyes lit up as he realized that your little baby had recognized her father's touch. "Shh baby, daddy's here. Daddy's here princess," he muttered to your stomach. Your heart exploded as you saw the man you love whisper sweet nothings to your unborn child. "Baby, I'm sorry. This is our child, I shouldn't let you do this alone. She'll be beautiful. She'll have your eyes, or maybe my eyes and your hair. I don't know but regardless she's going to be the most beautiful girl I'll ever lay my eyes on." You faked being offended and he smiled. "Besides you of course my love."
Ever since that day he had been nothing but supportive. He was the same crude, violent, insane man that you loved but he was sure to never do anything to harm you or the child. He was the love of your life and he had devoted himself to your and your child.
"I can't wait to meet you my little nugget," he said as he kneeled down in front of my belly. I smiled at the whole interaction, admiring his caring side. He was a scary guy, no doubt, but contrary to what most believe he does in fact have a sweet side to him. "We're in this together baby, now let's go start you a nice hot bath baby," he said with his wild silver grin adorning his face.

By-I don't remember ON Tumblr 😊
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