23: Friends When We're In Need

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POV: Grayson

"It's not what it looks like!" Rico exclaimed as I pulled him off of Mckenzie.

"Grayson!" Mckenzie exclaimed.

"What! I can't believe you!" I yelled at her.

"You? Can't believe me? Last I checked I was single, and so were you. I guess that's why you can stick your penis anywhere you want," she shot back.

"That's not fair!" I yelled over the music, "I thought you understood."

"Well then clearly I don't. Because I don't understand how you can say that you love me and in the same breath find your way into Lexi's bed! Therefore I can kiss whoever I want and if that is Rico, then so be it," she said smirking, getting to me.

"I can't believe you let her drag you into the middle of this," I said to Rico.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Mckenzie said.

"I'm not involved in this, you don't even know what happened. In my eyes, you're a huge hypocrite," Rico shot at me.

"So what's up? We can go outside," I said stepping up to him.

"You're not about to come at me over a girl. However, if you want to step outside we can do that,"  he said.

I didn't say anything else, I just turned and started for the backyard. I could feel Rico hot on my heels.

"You guys are not serious right now!" Mckenzie yelled.

"Hey what's going on?" Michelle asked as we reached outside.

"Grayson and Rico are about to fight because Grayson is a self loathing hypocrite!" Mckenzie yelled.

"I'm a hypocrite?" I yelled at her.

"Don't act like you haven't been screwing Lexi!"

"I have not been screwing Lexi," I defended.

"Well you might as well be!"


POV: Mckenzie

"You guys are drawing a lot of attention," Dylan said.

"Why am I hearing my name?" Lexi said very drunk and annoyed.

"Have you been screwing Grayson?" Michelle blatantly asked.

"I'm not really seeing how any of this is your business," she said.

"We're supposed to be friends, remember you little two timing trick. Oh wait, we've never been friends. I think I discovered that right around the time you looked me right in the face and lied!" I yelled.

"You want the truth," she smirked. "Everyone clear the back!" She half yelled and slurred, but everyone surely left.

"You guys are not serious right now," Brandon said joining us along with Josh. "Isn't this supposed to a party to celebrate our friendship?"

"Were apparently not friends," I said.

"The truth is, I was sleeping with Grayson," Lexi said laughing and stumbling.

"She's lying!" Grayson defended.

"You've been what!" Josh yelled suddenly in front of Lexi.

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