01: I Am Mckenzie

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"Grayson, it hurts so much," I cried leaning into my best friends arms. I've known him since birth. His mom and my mom are best friends so it was just a trait passed on to us. They got pregnant in the same year, unfortunately my family is facing some difficulties.

"I know, but it's not your fault and you can't keep blaming yourself," he said rubbing my back. My father had publicly announced he was divorcing my mom and leaving to marry a twenty-four year old model he was having an affair with, at governors seminar.

"He was cheating on my mom. The girl is practically old enough to be my sister for crying out loud!" I yelled, not really at him but at everything.

"Mckenzie, Kenzie, Kenz, could you please just let me hold you and you can calm down a little and then talk about it," he said.

"Clam down?" I pulled back from him and got off the bed, "Calm down? How calm can you be in a situation like this?"

"That's not what I meant-" he defended.

"No-no-no" I stuttered, "You're perfect, your life is perfect, even your mother and father have managed to keep it together. But he's leaving us!"

He got up off the bed and took me back into his arms, "He still loves you."

"But he's not just leaving her, he's leaving me too. I thought I could trust him," the realization made me cry more.


I woke up the next morning in Grayson's bed with his arms holding me tightly. I was flabbergasted at me not being able to breathe that I hadn't even realized my head was on his bare chest. I pulled my hand up from under the comforter and started rubbing his chest.

"What are you doing?" he asked without opening his eyes.

"Just making sure you're real," I lied.

"And why is that?"

"Because that would mean last night was real." Great cover up.

He opened his eyes, "I don't even know what to say. I'm trying to be here for you. I just don't know how."

"I'm so sorry about everything I said last night."

"I know and I love you and we'll get through this together," he said pulling me closer.

His phone rang and he reached behind him "Hello...Crap babe I'm so sorry...I'm coming." He hung up the phone and looked at me exhausted.

"Is this a bad time to say Happy Anniversary." I joked.

"I have to go. But you need to talk to your mom and I have to go deal with Lexi."

"It's okay, tell Lexi I said hi," I said as he rolled out of bed, threw on a shirt and pulled on jeans over his boxers.

He ran out the door, within five seconds he came back. I reached on the side table and threw him his car keys, "Bye" he breathed and took off again.


POV: Grayson

How could I forget? I had made dinner reservations and everything. I pulled up outside of the park and jogged to meet Lexi at the swings.

"How much do you love me?" she asked instantly. I could hear the crack in her voice which told me she had been crying.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief, "I changed everything for you."

"Everything but one," she said and I already knew she meant Mckenzie.

"Look she's going through some things and she needs me."

"Oh like I need you right now?" she said getting off the swings.

"This is different Lexi and you know it."

"Really now?" tears coming down her face, "Everything is about Mckenzie. She always needs you but Grayson I need you too. You're my boyfriend and when I got you I wasn't aware that she came into our relationship!"

I walked to her and cupped her hand in my cheek, "To the moon and back. I love you to the moon and back." I bent down to kiss her but she pulled away.

"God! You even smell like her." she said turning around, "Wait, did she sleep over? Again!"

"It kind of just happened."

"So she can sleep over, but I can't?" she exclaimed.

"Don't be ridiculous, she's my best friend," I laughed.

"And I'm your girlfriend! You need to figure out who's more important.

"Are you asking me to choose?" I asked in disbelief.

"Take it how you want. I just hope I don't have to choose for you."

"You really don't know me or love me for that matter because if you did you'd see that I need to be there for my friend in a time of need and all you can think of is yourself. We've had a lot of anniversaries, this one is no different. I'd just rather spend it comforting a friend, than hear you sulk about a sleepover you weren't invited too. Call me when you've settled down," I said and went back to my car.


POV: Mckenzie

I rolled out of Grayson's bed and grabbed my keys on the dresser. I stared at the picture of us when we were five. Grayson was kissing my cheek and my face was so red, I laughed at the memory. I somehow thought we'd end up like our parents. Right. My parents.

When I pulled up outside of my house, I saw three cars in the driveway. Before I opened the door, I could hear my mother crying. I went into the living room and saw my mother being comforted by a lady I never saw before. A boy who was which I presume to be her son.

"Mom?" I questioned.

"Oh Mckenzie," she said leaving the couch and coming to hug me, "Come sit." I sat next to her and she wiped her tears to no avail because they kept falling, "Your dad is taking the house, so that means we have to leave."

"We?" I questioned.

"I just assumed you'd want to come with me."

"Oh mom of course!" I exclaimed, "But what about Laura the cook and our gardener-"

"We can't really afford any of that anymore. So this is Melissa Carver a close friend of mine and she has offered to let us stay with her."

Melissa extended her arm to me, "Nice to meet you and thank you so much," I said shaking her hand, "But mom isn't that too much for her?"

"Oh no honey, your mother and I go way back. And my husband and I also recently divorced and your mother helped me with the house. It's so big and I could really use the company," Melissa said.

"He gave us to the end of this week to move out," my mother said.

"We hired some people to help and my son Dylan will help," Melissa said. "Dylan!" she called waving to get his attention.

"Mom I can hear you," he said in a deep voice.

"Take those things out of your ears, right now and introduce yourself," she said in a stern voice.

He leaned forward in the chair and extended his hand to me, "Hi, I'm Dylan."

I was taken aback by his appearance. Damn! He was hot. His skin glowed and his shaggy dark brown hair was partially in his face. And his muscles, yum! When I finally looked at his eyes, I realized they were bluish-green. I shook his hand still in awe, "Hi, I am Mckenzie."

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