Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

       Since it was summer vacation for all of us at D.A.N.C.E, even the ones in university, we were going to rehearse for Internationals as hard as we could. We wanted to win again and make our dances a lot better.

       Nobody was going to know what hit them this year.

       We were all in the studio, deciding who would be doing what dance this year. Lilith asked if I wanted to take the male solo again and as much as I wanted to take it to defend my title, I told Jerome he should take it.

       "No," Jerome said. "Stop being so nice. I know you want it."

       "I do, but I really want you to take it as well," I said. "Everyone loved your solo at the national competition and the state competition. Besides, emotions help make an amazing dance and I know you have a lot you want to get off your chest."

       Jerome sighed. "You're right there. Stupid judging people. Fine, I guess I'm taking it this year because someone is too selfless to take it."

       "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked.

       "I guess," Jerome muttered.

       We figured all the other dances out. It was basically the same as last year, except Amelia decided to let June take part of the group dance instead so she would be able to dance this year.

       One thing I loved about D.A.N.C.E was even though each and every one of us loved dance and had such a passion for it, we though about each other first and never competed among each other. 

       Lilith then gave us time to work on our parts, and she also told me she wanted to talk to in her office. I followed her into the office and she sat down at her desk. "So, how is everything going for you?" she asked.

       "Good," I said. "University is going pretty easy for me, but then again, I am a genius, so...."

       Lilith chuckled. "Your arrogance is really something. What are you studying to be again?"

       "A kindergarten teacher," I said.

       Lilith nodded. "And do you think being a kindergarten teacher and the head of this studio will be too hard on you?"

       I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. "What?"

       "I've been thinking long and hard about it," Lilith said. "I love being the head of this studio so much, but lately, I've been missing my family a whole lot, and they live in California. So I'm planning on moving back there."

       "Are you serious?" I asked. "But you've owned this studio for years. I mean, you just became the head two years after I've been here."

       "I know," Lilith said. "I've been thinking about it for weeks and in the end, I know I'll just end up back in California, and I want you to replace me. So, do you think you're up to it?"

       "Yeah, definitely," I said. "When are you moving to California?"

       "After Internationals," she said. "I'm going to tell everyone else now. I just wanted to see if you were able to replace me."

       I nodded. "We're really going to miss you."

       "And I'm going to miss all of you, too," Lilith said. "Especially you. I mean, you've been here longer than I have."

       "Only two years longer," I said.

       "Still longer," she said. "You're going to make a great studio head."

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