Chapter 3

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Once on the ring, Matt gives me a pair of boxing gloves and explains one or two basic things. He strikes, suddenly. I can tell he held it back. I play along and easily avoid his strike. I'm a little rusty but I'm far from having forgotten everything.

"Hey!" he yelped out. "This isn't the first time you fight!" he says all shocked.

"No. I've had a few years of practice in me." I said to him.

"You didn't tell me that... So I've got a little warrior in front of me!" he replied while smirking.

'Little warrior,' the nickname makes me smile. Dad has always called me that. It's thanks to him that I toughened up. When I was little, I was molested once and for years I felt ashamed. When at last, I managed to talk to my parent's about it; dad initiated me to combat sports. Now, I can pin down anyone to the ground. I know how to twist a wrist or press on a given point that can render even the biggest brute harmless. I got some blows and I gave some too. I slowly won over the part of me that could no longer bear other people's contact. When mom died from her illness, I let all my rage out in the ring... I'm overcome by a sudden feeling of sadness. Like every time I think of mum. Some wounds never heal...

"Are you okay? Do you want to take a break?" Matt asks me with a concerned look radiating from his angelic face.

"No I'm fine! I don't tire that easily!" I replied to him.

"I can see that!" he says.

It's really difficult for me to talk about certain things of my past. Most of the time, I lock my problems up tightly in a drawer at the back of my head. I think, in the end, with each kick that I give, I eject a bit more of my anger...

"Ok angel. D'you have some basic knowledge in self-defence?" he asked me.

You bet, pal. I thought to myself

"Yes. Angel it means striking where it hurts. Want to try?" I asked him back.

"A real tough cookie!! I'd nearly be scared!" he replied while grinning.

"You should be." I said to him.

Suddenly, Matt leaps forward towards me. He catches my arms, spins me around so that my back is against his chest and tries to immobilize me. I love feeling his muscles tenses against me... I thanked myself for having had such a genius idea as joining his class... It's crazy! Even dripping with sweat, he smells nice; I shiver with delight at the thought. My mind drifts off rapidly to another activity.

"So? Is that all you can give, kid?" he asked while smirking.

I snap out of it and use one of my favourite arm locks to get him to the ground.

"So? We get knocked to the ground by a kid do we?" I asked cockily.

Matt gets back on his feet laughing. I find it difficult to stay focused cause his laugh always makes me melt... This throws me off a bit and I get annoyed with myself! In the ring he's my opponent and I shouldn't want to be nice...

After an hour of training, we leave the ring. I must admit that despite my level, he often got the better of me. I wonder where he learnt to fight like that...

"You weren't so bad angel! You nearly got the upper hand..." He said to me.

"That's because I didn't want to hurt you, so I took things step by step..." I replied back.

Matt smiles at me then shakes hands with another guy who's just came into the hall.

"I've got plans for tonight! I have to head off to the showers!" he says.

"OK! Where are they?" I asked him.

"At the end of the corridor, on the right. In fact where there's the word 'showers'..." he replied to me while pointing to the direction of the shower rooms.

He goes off laughing whilst embracing some pupils. I sigh; he always has to make fun of me. But it's become a game between us ever since my first day at work... I stay and watch a few fights before going to fetch my things and head for the showers. Whilst walking towards the showers, I take a look at my phone. Hey, Lisa has sent me a message. I laugh whilst reading it: "If you want to know more about Lisa's latest conquest, meet her tonight at her regular bar! Kisses X"

With my head in the clouds, I make my way to the showers. The place is a little run down but the floor is clean. Phew I really can't stand icky community showers, I thought to myself. Without thinking I push the first door I come to. OH!!

Cliff-hanger!!! I know don't kill me. That's chapter 3 for you guys. You know what to do, Vote Comment and share the love ya'll

Love you guys


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