My Brother, the Gay Idiot

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Svetlana Pov

My brother, who always surprised his audiences, somehow managed to surprise me. With nothing but a simple scribbled note to me as an explanation, he packed up and left in search of of Yuuri Katsuki in Japan. Yes he was an impulsive idiot, but I didn't think that he would simply leave without first consulting the other 90% of his self-control and reasoning. I sighed as I dumped my hockey skates on the floor of my small hotel room.

 "Viktor you idiot!" I muttered. My suitcases and bags were packed. I was following my brother to Japan and I would make sure that he didn't completely ruin his life. Yes I was overprotective, but  what else was I to do? I was younger than Viktor by two years, but I felt like he was my younger brother. All my life I had watched him, analyzing him. To his fans he was cool and perfect, but to me he was the idiot he had always been. And I was going to follow him into whatever mess he had worked himself into.

I found myself at a small bathhouse in Hasetsu, staring down at the woman who welcomed me.

 "Svetlana Nikiforov," she said shortly. "I have a room here?" The woman smiled at me.

 "Ah yes, we have your room Miss Nikiforov," she answered. I smiled tightly.

 "Do you by any chance have another Nikiforov here?" I asked. "My brother Viktor..." The woman smiled.

 "Are you here to see him?" I smiled again.

 "Yes," I answered. "He may or may not have left Russia without telling me..." The woman smiled.

 "Of course," she answered. Then her eyes widened.

 "Oh, you're Viktor Nikiforov's sister?" she asked. I blew a long strand of silver blonde hair out of my face.

 "Yes," I answered. The woman smiled kindly.

 "He's skating with my son right now. Would you like something to eat while you wait?" I let out a long breath.

 "Sure," I answered. "Just let me put up my bags."

When I returned to the woman who had met me, I found her talking to her son.

 "We went to the Ninja Castle, and he seemed interested! I can't believe that Viktor Nikiforov is going to be my coach!"

 "That's nice," the woman said. I looked up at the boy. So this was the famous Yuri Katsuki. He wasn't particularly bad looking, though there was no doubt that my idiotic brother had already called him a pig or something just as bad.

 "Is Viktor here?" I asked the boy. He looked up at me with surprise.

 "Who are you?" Apparently my darling brother hadn't seen fit to mention me.

 "Svetlana Nikiforov," I introduced. Yuuri seemed stunned.

 "Are you Viktor's wife?" he asked. I stared at him.



 "No! I'm his sister!" Your seemed surprised.

 "You're Viktor's-"

 "Svetlana?" Viktor stood behind Yuuri, staring at me. "What are you doing here?"

A/N: I was inspired at 10:00 to write this...halfway thorough I slipped back into 3rd person, but I tried to fix all my mistakes. Sorry about the shortness

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