Chapter 1

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Ugh! This is so stupid. Why am I even here? I hate being stuck in this stupid therapy office. Im fine.

Okay.. let me give you some background. Im Red. Im 18 years old and a junior in college. I skipped grades 2, 5, and 8. Now, as to why im in this stupid fucking office... so last week I was in my professor's office talking to him about my grade. He then noticed my arm which was covered in scars. I've been really good not to cut. Im about six months clean amd im pretty proud of myself. Last week they made me take these stupid surveys and they gave me a "diagnosis". Wow.... im diagnosed. What am I...? A disease? Anyway, they diagnosed me with with depression (shocker right?), sever anxiety, panic attack disorder and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Yeah yeah yeah... im not surprised.

Im so tired of sitting here. I hate there boring generic questions like, "how are you doing today" and ,"what have you done positively for yourself in the last week"... like, come on... you've got to be kidding me.

"Red. Snap back into it," Doctor Bennett said.

"Im sorry. Im sorry," I keep fidgeting.

"It's fine," he sighs deeply," well, since you've daydreamed this session away, im going to explain to you what's going to happen for the next few weeks."

Great.. another "me time" assignment. "What is it?" I say sarcastically.

"Im assigning you a buddy.. he is going to be your friend for then next few weeks. He's doing this for his psychology class. No objections. I habe final say"

I clench my teeth and roll my eyes, "fine," I say angrily.

He grins, "good," he smiles maniacally. "Your buddy's name is Shawn".

"Yeah... whatever."

He smiles again, "he's out in the hallway. Until next session, Red."

"Until next time doc," I grab my things and walk out to the hall.

There's a silhouette of a tall man down the hallway. I walk towards him.

"Hey, im Shawn. Im supposed to be your 'buddy' for the next few weeks," he introduced.

"Hey... im Red. Im gonna be your guinea pig for the next few weeks."

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