A Stroll Through The Park

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You awoke in a strange place, forgetting you were in Jack's guest bedroom for a minute. It took a moment for your brain to comprehend and for you to remember.

"Ugh... M-my head hurts..." You mutter, clutching at one of your temples. You smell a hint of cinnamon in the air. "And now I'm hungry..."

You slide out of bed and stumble down the hall to the kitchen, and see Jack leaning over the stove, preparing something.

It took a minute or two for Jack to realize you were there. "Oh! Mornin, Y/N! I woke up pretty early, and presumed ye were still sleepin', so I went ahead and cooked some breakfast! Go ahead, sit down at the table."

You do as he says and have a seat. Just as you do that, he slides a plate in front of you. Your eyes widen in disbelief.

On the plate were waffles, fluffy as snow and yellow as gold, with cinnamon and honey drizzled over it, topped with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and caramel. You lick your lips and drool. You hadn't had a meal like that in a long time.

You suddenly take the fork and begin to scarf down the meal. You had already finished it by the time Jack had sat down and put toppings on his. His eyes were large with shock.

"Dang! Never in me life have I seen a child eat as much as ye just did that fast! Now I know yer favorite breakfast at least!"

You giggle, wiping syrup off of your lips with your hand. You couldn't lie, it really was delicious. A small burp came from your mouth. "C-can I have some more please?"

Jack nodded, looking slightly offended. "Of course ye can! Why wouldn't ye be able to?"

"J-just not used to it is all..." You smile and stand, going over to the kitchen with your plate. The waffle plate was on the counter, and you stacked two more onto your plate, leaving three for Jack. Then, you get the toppings and drown your waffles to the point that you couldn't even see the waffles.

Upon coming back into the dining room, Jack looked at you astonished. "Holy shyte kid, you want some waffles with those toppings?!"

You look down at the plate, dripping with syrup and whipped cream, a little bit embarrassed. "Hehe... Whoops."

"It's ok." Jack politely replies as you sit back down in your seat. "By the way, I want to tell ye something."

"Lig wha?" You say through a mouth filled to almost bursting with waffles.

"So, I thought we could go to the park today. The rain is almost completely gone, just a light mist with some fog. I thought it would be fun, just to get outside and have some fun. Plus, you can burn off the calories from those waffles ye just ate!" He teasingly joked.

You nod as you eat the last few bites of your second plate, before going to the kitchen and setting the plate down in the sink. "Just give me a minute please!"

"Of course, Y/N, not a problem." Jack smiled as he got out of his chair and did the same with his plate.

You go to the bathroom and fix yourself up in the mirror, straightening your tousled bed-head a little bit. You know you and Jack were only going to the park, which probably had no one else there, but hey! Presentation is everything! Even for a boy/girl!

Upon exiting the bathroom, Jack is already waiting by the front door, wearing his favorite flat cap. "Ye ready?"

You nod as he pushes the door open, and the two of you exit the house and start walking.

~Timeskip, brought to you by THE BOSS HIMSELF!~

It took thirty minutes to finally get to the park. Your small legs were already aching, and you were exhausted. Though it was only lightly sprinkling, and you were wearing one of Jack's hoodies (A Septiceye Sam hoodie he surprised you with before you left, he had gotten it just for you), you were soaked and chilled to the bone. A chill went down your spine as you shivered, teeth chattering.

Then, you were beginning to be surrounded by another layer of warmth. Confused, you look up to see Jack, smiling warmly and putting his own jacket around you.

"What are you d-doing?" You asked.

"Ye seemed like ye were freezing, so I thought I would be nice and give ye my jacket."

"B-but don't you need it?"

"I've lived here me whole life, so I'm pretty much immune to it now."

Puzzled as to what the word 'immune' meant, you simply thank him as you finally make it to the park.

It was a beautiful park. Lush green grass, a small meadow that lead to the woods, a small little pond, and a large play-set. You would've gone on it, but you didn't want to get more wet than you already were. So, instead, you suggest to Jack to walk through the meadow.

"That sounds like a great idea! Race you there!" He started running to the meadow. You giggle and chase after him, to see who the winner would be.

(Jack's P.O.V)

I pant as I get to the meadow, seconds after Y/N did. How did that kid have so much fucking energy?

Y/N smiled wide at me and took my hand, dragging me around to different parts of the open area, looking at all of the beautifully colored flowers and shrubs

What we didn't see was the figure watching us silently through the trees.

They were fast, like a blur as they darted out of hiding. They stopped in front of us, and I could now see it was a man, dressed in black camo. In one hand, he held a long hunting knife.

"Hand over your wallet." He growled as the blade glistened through the fog.

"No." I firmly said. I was scared, but I didn't and want Y/N to think the situation was as bad as it actually is.

The man huffed and grabbed Y/N's arm, yanking them towards him and holding the blade to their throat. "Give me your wallet or I kill the boy/girl."

  My eyes widened in shock. I didn't think this would happen. Y/N burst into tears. "Jack! Help!"

  The world started spinning around me. I felt sick to my stomach. My vision grew blurry.

  And I threw a punch.

  It hit him right in the nose with a sickening crunch. The man stumbled back, releasing his hold on Y/N and clutching his broken nose in pain.

  "Run Y/N, run!" I yelled to the child, who didn't bat an eyelid before darting to the path we got to the park on.

  I turned my focus to the man, whose nose was gushing with red blood. Before he could react I swept his legs out from under him and he crumpled to the ground. I ran after Y/N in hopes of making it home safely.

  I can't believe this happened to us. I never hope anything like that happens ever again.

  A/N: Yay, Chapter 3! Finally finished! This one's a longer one, so my apologies for it coming out late. Before I sign off, I want to give a shout out to Fangirl_Jewels for being my top fan of this story so far. Well, this is DawnOfDust, signing off! Boi~

One More Level? (Jacksepticeye x Child!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें